Author's debut of the cinematographer Richard Řeřicha captures in the story of eighteen-year-old boys and their band the start of punk in former Czechoslovakia. Miki and David establish a band Emile Buisson as an escape from the stifling atmosphere of normalization and punk becomes their starting point. Miki, one of the protagonists of the story, remembers those times and his youth. In the film these archival materials were used: Portrait of the Square (dir. Václav Bendl, 1983), Changes of the Capital City (dir. Radovan Hakl, 1980), The National Theatre Part VIII. (dir. Václav Bendl, 1983), Chronicle of Our Life 1984 (dir. Jan Dvořák, 1984), The Town in the City (dir. Jiří Venera, 1977), Praguers and Their City Yesterday (dir. Jiří Průcha, 1980), A Weekday of the District (dir. Jiří Věrčák, 1985), Pupils and Teachers – Pupil´s Health (dir. Luděk Šipla, 1987), Chronicle of Our Life 1985 (dir. Jan Dvořák, 1986), A Day In this Country (dir. Jan Risner, 1980), Prague – What´s New In Prague (dir. Jana Michajlová, 1983), The Second Prague Premiere (dir. Jaroslav Bouma, 1978), Chronicle of Our Life 1983 (dir. Jan Dvořák, 1984), TKM V. Vávra (dir. Ondřej Očenáš, 1981).
Mikiho matka
Mikiho otec
Dejvidova matka
Dejvidova babička
soused Rauch
starší Miki v současnosti
Richard Řeřicha, Petra Soukupová (spolupráce na scénáři)
Martin Žiaran, David Šachl (podvodní záběry)
Matěj Matuška (zvuk a design zvuku), Michal Čech, Richard Řeřicha
Viktor Müller (supervize), Universal Production Partners
Vít Petrášek (koordinátor)
Lukáš Veverka (animace), Petr Skala (animace)
Tereza Polachová, Ondřej Zach, Zuzana Chadimová, Branislav Chlpík, Vít Komrzý, Michal Holubec, Jan Čeněk
Šimon Borecký, Filip Brouk (vedoucí výrobního štábu)
Michal Pajdiak, Richard Řeřicha, Roman Helcl, Pavel Bohatý, Boney M, Dead Pope's Company, The Barockers, November 2nd, Symfonický orchestr Českého rozhlasu v Praze, EMILE BUISSON, Anya, Mishan and Apollon Quartet, Alexandra Langošová, Roman Helcl, Pavel Bohatý, Ondřej Ježek, Steve Walsh, Roman Vícha, Jan Janeček, Arnošt Pátek
Song Composer Joe StrummerMick Jones
Song Composer Joe StrummerMick JonesPaul SimonNicky Headon
Song Composer Vince Taylor
Song Composer The ProstitutesAdrian T. Bell
Song Composer The ProstitutesAdrian T. Bell
Song Composer The ProstitutesAdrian T. Bell
Song Composer Jiří Giesl
Song Composer Jiří Giesl
Song Composer Jiří Giesl
Song Composer Vladimír ZahradníčekJaroslav Machek
Song Composer Frank FarianPaul Reyem
Song Composer Roman HelclAlexandra Langošová
Song Composer Roman Helcl
Song Composer Roman Helcl
Song Composer Roman Helcl
Song Composer Roman HelclAlexandra Langošová
Song Composer Ricci 83
Song Composer Marek Gazar
Song Composer Marek Gazar
Song Composer Marek Gazar
Song Composer Jan Seidel
Song Composer Ondřej JežekRoman VíchaSteve WalshRoman Helcl
Song Composer Steve WalshAlexandra Langošová
Song Composer Mishan PajdiakAnya Stuart
Song Composer Ricci 83
Song Composer Ricci 83
Song Composer Roman Helcl
DonT Stop
DonT Stop
Don't Stop
Dont stop
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy, bitter comedy
Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic
premiere 14 June 2012 /recommended for 12 and over/
"This music will destroy your future!" Are you also eighteen? Is there something unbearably annoying and you want to get it out of your system? Maybe it's high time to start doing something with it.
Evolution Films, HBO Česká republika (koprodukce), FilmFrame, s.r.o. (koprodukce), Universal Production Partners (koprodukce), Bystrouška (koprodukce)
feature film
98 min
Dolby Digital
without subtitles
Event: 20. výroční ceny Český lev 2013 za filmovou tvorbu roku 2012
Praha / Czech Republic
Michal Vlček
Event: 20. výroční ceny Český lev 2013 za filmovou tvorbu roku 2012
Praha / Czech Republic
Lukáš Král
Event: 20. výroční ceny Český lev 2013 za filmovou tvorbu roku 2012
Praha / Czech Republic
Kateřina Coufalíková
Event: 20. výroční ceny Český lev 2013 za filmovou tvorbu roku 2012
Praha / Czech Republic
Marius Corradini
Festival: 26. festival českých filmů Finále Plzeň 2013
Plzeň / Czech Republic
Richard Řeřicha
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