This harsh tale about the world around us, about human pride, cruelty and intolerance is a professional adaptation of a film from 1982 by an acknowledged amateur filmmaker who comes face to face with censorship. The new version is twice as long and takes place exclusively in exteriors. The film consists of several stories that mutually intertwine. Music, creating a counterpoint to people’s behaviour, plays a major role in the film.
The film consists of four episodes New Sun, Theatre, Middle Age and New Family.
Ivan Hubač (vedoucí dramaturg), Kristián Suda (ČT)
Universal Production Partners, a. s., Petr Klasmen Mašek (2D kompozice vesmíru), Mario Dubec (3D kompozice ptáka Času)
Jiří Štorek, Pavel Troják, Petr Vopelka, Pavel Poživil, Jaroslav Kučera (šéfproducent ČT)
Dan Müller (fotograf), Kristýna Dražanová (fotografka), Jan Hromádko (fotograf)
Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano concerto N 5 Op. 73 Emperor), Modest Petrovič Musorgskij (Obrázky z výstavy), Jan Dismas Zelenka (Requiem in C Min. (Agnus Dei)), Franz Schubert (Smyčcový kvartet č. 14 d moll, Smrt a dívka), Edward Hagerup Grieg (Peer Gynt (Suite N 1 Op. 46)), Ludwig van Beethoven (Symphony N 7 in A Major Op. 92 (Allegretto)), Ludwig van Beethoven (Sonata N 14 Op. 27 Moonlight (Adaggio)), Ludwig van Beethoven (Symphony N 3 e flat major Eroica), Modest Petrovič Musorgskij (Night on the Bare Mountain (Noc na Lysé hoře))
Srbsko, Všenory, Slivenec, Velké Meziříčí, Roblín, Lipence, Holyně, Hostím, Kuchařík
Jarmareční bouda
Jarmareční bouda
Market Chalet
povídkový film
featuretheatrical distribution
Czech Republic
gala premiere 3 March 2010 (kino Lucerna, Praha)
distribution premiere 4 March 2010 /recommended for 15 and over/
New Czech film. Humanity is very stupid and comical... there is nothing left to do but grind, teeth, mock themselves and others... all as if it were just an awkward comedy, taking place somewhere in a booth at the fair.
BIOKISSFILM s.r.o., TScom s.r.o., ČESKÁ TELEVIZE (koprodukce)
feature film
84 min
Dolby Digital
without subtitles
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