A recording of the theatre performance of the opera Tomorrow There Will Be... by Aleš Březina (libretto and music) and Jiří Nekvasil (libreto and director of the theatre performance). The musical story, which had its theatre premiere on 9. 4. 2008 at the Kolowrat theatre, is composed of period documents and citations from court documents from the trial with Milada Horáková in the 1950s in Czechoslovakia. The libretto contains a record of her arrest, the selection and preparation for the trial, the hearing of Milada Horáková, the request for a pardon written by her father with her daughter Jana, the farewell letter that Milada Horáková wrote several hours before her death and the documentary pastiche composed of passages from Pavel Kohout’s Tomorrow People Will Be Dancing Everywhere.
hráčka na cembalo
hráč na bicí
hráč na housle
hráč na violoncello
hráč na fagot
hráč na basklarinet
Aleš Březina (Zítra se bude... – opera), Jiří Nekvasil (Zítra se bude... – libreto opery)
Rudolf Biermann (IN Film Praha), Tomáš Hoffman (Infinity Prague Production)
Ondřej Černý (Národní divadlo)
Zítra se bude...
Zítra se bude...
Tomorrow There Will Be...
featuretheatrical distribution
opera, record of theatrical productions
Czech Republic
gala premiere 4 May 2010 (kino Světozor, Praha)
distribution premiere 13 May 2010 /suitable for all ages/
A film recording of the operatic rendition of the trial with Milada Horáková by Aleš Březina and Jiří Nekvasil.
IN Film Praha, Infinity Prague Production, Národní divadlo (koprodukce)
feature film
62 min
Dolby Digital
Czech, sung
without subtitles
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