A documentary film about Karel Reisz is a dramatic life story of a man, a native of Ostrava, who was a major producer and director, founder of free cinema and co-author of English New Wave. Reisz later set up in Hollywood and became a major figure in world cinema. As a Winton child he was rescued from death in a concentration camp. When he was thirteen he went to England, where he joined the RAF. After the war he became a teacher, director of British Film Institute and a successful producer and director. The film captures his interesting personal and professional life. There are also his family members, colleagues from British cinematography, co-workers and actors of his famous movies, whom Reisz helped to start their careers. Excerpts from Reisz´s works illustrate his artistic attitudes and assumptions and let us take a look into the interior of his characters and stories. In the movie a lot of archive material from family archives, archives of British Film Institute, National Film Archive in Prague and Archive of Private Film history is used.
režisérka, spoluzakladatelka free cinema
filmový historik, spisovatel
režisér, spoluautor knihy
režisér, producent
hudební skladatel
filmový režisér
filmový historik
Lenka Poláková (ČT), David Boháč (ČT), Čestmír Kopecký (První veřejnoprávní), Aleš Tříska (CinemArt), Ivana Košuličová (CinemArt)
Martin Kaiser (grafika)
Pavel Seifter, Jan Fleischer, James Fox, Ivan Kytka, Vít Pohanka, Míša Hofmanová, Jana Heczková, Marina Feltlová, Jan Mattlach, Jaroslav Menšík, Jirka Berka, Martin Jiroušek, Jirka Kiza, Iva Sadílková, Hana Všelichová, Anna Kopecká, Jakub Felcman, Petr Koza, Josef Kašpar, Zuzana Čaplová, Míša Nejedlá, Jirka Konopický, Tomáš Táborský, Vladimír Mráz, Jaroslava Nolf, Julie Hořínková
Karel Reisz, Ten filmový život
Karel Reisz, Ten filmový život
Karel Reisz, This Filming Life
Karel Reisz
documentarytheatrical distribution
Czech Republic
the end of the distribution monopoly 31 December 2017
distribution premiere 4 September 2012 /suitable for all ages/
gala premiere 24 September 2012 (kavárna Minikino, Ostrava /v rámci festivalu 4. Ostrava Kamera Oko/)
no caption
Jarmila Hoznauerová, Česká televize (koprodukce), Televizní studio Ostrava (Česká televize), První veřejnoprávní s.r.o. (koprodukce), Cinemart, a.s. (koprodukce)
Jarmila Hoznauerová, Televizní studio Ostrava, První veřejnoprávní s.r.o., Cinemart, a.s.
feature film
74 min
digital sound
Czech, English
English, Czech
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