This film was created as the first one of the project Sexperiences – a wider animated series of films, which is to include animated films by female creators, depicting female erotic dreams. A woman tram driver lives her daily routine – to go along the darkened street to the tram, light the lights and then pick up passengers, similar to each other, on her daily, stultifying way. The ability to control the machine and the presence of so many men wake up the woman's erotic fantasies and her journey ceases to be so gray... The terminal station is dark again. However, promise of better times may walk out the darkness (cartoon animation).
The film was joined to the film Den skaldede frisør/Love Is All You Need
řidička tramvaje
muž s růžovýma ušima
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
muž v tramvaji
Sandra Schultze /ž/ (vedoucí povídkového projektu Sexperiences)
Daniel Němec (design zvuku), Lionel Guenoun (mix zvuku), Jessica Roesch /ž/
Aurélie Laumont /ž/ (obraz), Martin Búřil (obraz), Audio Atelier Mars (zvuk)
Song Composer Adolf SteimelPetr Marek /aranžmá/
Song Composer Jaroslav JežekPetr Marek /aranžmá/
Song Composer Camille Saint-Saëns
La conductrice du tram
animatedtheatrical distribution
France, Czech Republic
premiere 15 November 2012 /recommended for 12 and over/
no caption
Sacrebleu Productions, Negativ, CNC (spolupráce)
short film
7 min
digital sound
without dialogue
without subtitles
Event: Ceny TRILOBIT Beroun 2012, Cena Vladislava Vančury a Čestná uznání FITES – Českého filmového a televizního svazu, Nadace Český literární fond a města Beroun za původní díla domácí filmové a televizní tvorby
Beroun / Czech Republic
Michaela Pavlátová
Festival: 36. mezinárodní festival animovaných filmů v Annecy
Annecy / France
Festival: 36. mezinárodní festival animovaných filmů v Annecy
Annecy / France
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