This balladic story depicting the lives of a mother and daughter in acute historical moments is divided into four periods in 1939–1961. The Czech girl Helga works during World War II in the Sudetenland in a German hospital. Her daughter Dorli is born from a love affair with a Baltic aristocrat, Arno von Liwen, who was wounded in the Russian-Finnish War and whose life she saves. Instead of leaving to the front in a German uniform, Arne commits suicide and thus Dorli becomes the only reason for living for Helga. After the war the following the relocation of Sudeten Germans, Helga and her daughter remain in her native region in the Moravian-Poland borderlands. But the 1950s and 1960s bring them even more suffering. Helga is arrested and later Dorli opts to cooperate with State Security so that she can visit her dying mother in prison. The State Security is interested in Dorli’s inheritance from her father and thus allows her to visit her grandmother in Austria. But the old lady rejects her. Dorli enters a convent and later works as a missionary. – The television series of the same name was show concurrently with the film.
dr. Blau
Arno von Liewen
Kongo Müller
Utta von Liewen
Dorli jako dítě
hostinský v penzionu
jeptiška v Kongu
komisař gestapa
německá ošetřovatelka
německá matka
číšnice v penzionu
polský důstojník
Ester Blau
Ruth Blau
důstojník SS
klavírista SS
odsouzený klavírista
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Ivan Vakaráč, Vladimíra Kopecká, Kateřina Baranová, Pavel Jurášek
Milan Cieslar, Hana Vrbová (ČT)
Ladislav Šulák (uniformy), Eduard Pavlíček (jazykový poradce)
Antonín Dvořák (Requiem), Antonín Dvořák (Koncert pro violu a orchestr A moll), Otakar Ostrčil (Calvary), Josef Suk (A Summer Tale), Josef Suk (Svatý Václav, Op. 35a), Fryderyk Chopin (24 Preludes, Op. 28), Franz Schubert (Poutníkova noční píseň)
Martin Veselý /varhany/
Song Composer Franz Schubert
Singer Věra Poláchová
Česká republika, Liberec (Česká republika), Jizerské hory (Česká republika), Kladská u Mariánských Lázní (Česká republika), Hejnice (Česká republika), Praha (Česká republika), Strahovský klášter (Praha), zámeček Lány u Pohanska u Břeclavi (Česká republika), hrad Bouzov (Česká republika), Navarov (Česká republika), Polsko, přírodní rezervace Leba (Polsko), Tanzánie
Krev zmizelého
Krev zmizelého
Bonds of Blood
Stín zmizelého
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, historical
Czech Republic
start of filming 22 January 2004
end of filming 15 June 2004
premiere 10 March 2005 /recommended for 15 and over/ (multiplex Palace Cinemas Slovanský dům, Praha)
An epic historical saga with Vilma Cibulková and Ester Geislerová in the main roles.
Happy celuloid s.r.o., Česká televize, Televizní studio Brno (Česká televize), Centrum dramatické tvorby (Televizní studio Brno), Barrandov Studio a.s. (spolupráce)
feature film
126 min
Dolby Digital
Czech, German, Polish
Festival: 13. mezinárodní festival česko-německo-židovské kultury – Devět bran
Praha / Czech Republic
Milan Cieslar
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