A documentary film on the search for happiness in an unhappy area loosely connected to the film One Year (1999). The new film maps an area of the Czech Republic called “disfigured part of the country” – the mining area in the slopes of the Ore Mountains. The director presents individual human stories in this backdrop of a moonscape, devastated by the mining of brown coal.
Jan Gogola ml., Alena Müllerová (šéfdramaturgyně ČT)
Miloslav Větrovec, Vladimír Šust, Jarmila Poláková, Milada Rebcová (ČT)
Jarmila Poláková, Jan Lederer, Michal Reitler (šéfproducent ČT)
různí interpreti
Kamenolom Boží
Kamenolom Boží
Jeden rok v Severních Čechách
God’s Stone Quarry
One Year in North Bohemia
Druhý rok – Hra o smysl / Hra o smysl
documentarytheatrical distribution
Czech Republic
non-distribution premiere 7 April 2005 (kino Aero, Praha)
premiere 10 November 2005 /suitable for all ages/ (kino Světozor, Praha)
A film on seeking happiness in an unhappy land.
AFiS – Asociace Film & Sociologie, ČESKÁ TELEVIZE, Centrum publicistiky a dokumentu (ČESKÁ TELEVIZE)
feature film
88 min
digital sound
Czech, English
without subtitles
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