The daily Národní politika from the 23th of December 1915. "The war volunteer steals away from the camp in the dead of night. The approach of the enemy is reported. The alarm is sounded and the army rushes to the banks of the Vltava. Boats and rafts take them to the other bank where a battle follows in the hills. Rifles sound with their terrible, muffled shots, hand grenades are thrown and the air is filled with the thunder of battle. The whole scene changes like a flash of lightning: the defenders of the trenches have endured heavy fighting, after a great struggle they emerge as heroes and the enemy is driven out. After the soldiers have overcome the first terrors of battle, a great number of medical staff divisions hurry to help their wretched friends in order to provide them with protection and relief where necessary. Meanwhile, a member of the cavalry has brought news of victory to the camp and the soldiers wave their hats excitedly in the air in salute of their high commander."
This film commission captures the forced enthusiasm for the Austrian army. The film materials are believed lost.
Marie Brandová
Brandové syn Karel
prchající žena
Dík válečného sirotka
Dík válečného sirotka
The Thanks of the War Orphan
Velká zlatá
The Gold Medal
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
melodrama, agitprop
premiere 25 February 1916 (kino Lucerna /1 týden/, Praha)
Lucernafilm, Rakouská vojenská správa (zadavatel)
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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