Contents: After the death of her father, a farmer and Czech emigrant in America, Alice Gregrova leaves for Prague to settle down for good, to comply with her father's last wishes. She takes with her a cheque for a large sum of money which her father had left her. Two adventurers Jimmy and Freddy, find out about her cheque, end , and they immediately work out a plan to get the valuable paper into their hands. They attack the girl in the town park but she manages to run away. Her call for help is heard by the young owner of the ironworks, Jiří Peters, who comes to her reseue and is badly wounded by the two adventurers. Alice pays her defender a visit and from a letter she reads in his office she, discovers that Peters' ironworks are in great financial difficulty. She decides to help him and hands over her inheritance to save the works. Jiří, convalescing, finds out to his surprise that his company shares are rising. The mystery is soon explained and Jiří and Alice realise that they have in common not only mutual gratitude but also a deep love for each other. (According to a film description of the time.)
The film materials are believed lost.
Alice Gregrová
majitel hutí Jiří Peters
sluha Jiřího Peterse Jan
Jiřího strýc, správní rada Hocke
Alicin otec farmář Gregr
notář v New Yorku Norton
notářův sekretář Jimmy Brooks
Jimmyho přítel Freddy
Akcie P. Ž. H.
Akcie P. Ž. H.
The P I Shares
Akcie Petersovy železářské huti
The Peters Ironworks Shares
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
premiere 18 June 1920 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Orient /2 týdny/, Praha)
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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