In his search for the Philosophers' Stone which would enable him to understand the mysteries of the production of gold, Professor Dobner goes in search of the notes of alchemist Melchiad Koloman who, according to legend, had uncovered the mystery and produced gold. Dobner becomes acquainted with the Japanese Nakahito and the Indian Fakír Arkaj and inducts them into his plan. The Fakír wants to demonstrate that he can bring a dead person back to life and suggests to his companions that he could attempt to bring Koloman back to life enabling them to ask him directly for the formula. In order to do this he needs a young, healthy male. Nakahito finds a young rake, Marcel, who has squandered away his fortune and now contemplates suicide. At the promise of an easy life for the duration of one year he agrees to commit himself to the experiment. During the year however, he falls in love with Dobner's daughter, Vlasta and wants to start a new life. But, he must honour the agreement he made. The Indian's experiment is a success and Melchiad Koloman is brought back to life. Marcel survives but loses consciousness. When the revived Koloman writes down the details of gold production, Nakahito gives Dobner poison, so that he can take possession of the formula alone. Before he has drunk the poison, Dobner learns from the police that Nakahito is an international conman. Koloman dies by accidentally touching an electric current and disappears. The laboratory is destroyed in an explosion. Marcel returns to health, marries Vlasta and Dobner finds peace in bringing up his grandchildren.
Melchiad Koloman
Marcel Žampach
Žampachova přítelkyně
Kolomanův fámulus Nathanael
Vlasta Dobnerová
profesor Dobner, Vlastin otec
velkostatkář Lesgov
japonský učenec Nakahito
čarodějka Ulrika
Jiljí Ješek
indický fakír Salim Arkaja
Melchiad Koloman
Melchiad Koloman
Melchiad Koloman
Melchiad Kolomann
featuretheatrical distribution
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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