Žofka, the only daughter of an innkeeper, falls in love with the prince's young gamekeeper Jiří who used to court Slávka, the daughter of the chief forester. The innkeeper does not wish his daughter to continue the relationship, nevertheless the couple meet in secret. Žofka becomes pregnant and arranges with Jiří that she will secretly give birth in town and leave the child in the care of a wet nurse. They intend to marry when Jiří becomes district forester. The wedding does not take place, however, for the prince forces Jiří to marry Slávka. Žofka then marries the blacksmith although she does not love him; the blacksmith has loved her for a long time and he knows that she has a little boy out of wedlock. The child is brought up by Jiří. One day the boy falls ill and Jiří writes Žofka a letter telling her to come to them. The blacksmith won't let her go but the maternal instinct drives Žofka to her son. She arrives too late, however, the boy has died and Žofka, in her despair drowns herself.
hostinský Dymák
Žofka Dymáková, hostinského dcera
Jiří, Žofčin synáček
knížecí myslivec Jiří Hrdý
kovář Bijan
starý hajný
kořenářka Marjána
prastařenka, matka hostinského
Slávinka Černá, dcera vrchního nadlesního Jana Černého
děvečka v hospodě
host na svatbě
knížecí myslivec Jan
knížecí myslivec
knížecí myslivec
knížecí myslivec
knížecí myslivec
knížecí myslivec
knížecí myslivec
knížecí myslivec
Růžena Svobodová (Černí myslivci – román)
Černí myslivci
Černí myslivci
The Black Gamekeepers
O veliké vášni
About the Great Passion
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 15 July 1921
date of censorship 05/1933 (konec povolení k promítání 1938)
premiere 2 September 1921 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Světozor a Slavia, Praha)
feature film
72 min
2 036 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles