Slávka, the daughter of a rich owner of the factory, is a modern girl but, even so, she is in favour of family life unlike certain other women holding unconventional views. Her best moments are spent with her grandfather at his farm in Luhačovice and she was never envious of her classmate Doďa's jewels and clothes. There she makes the acquaintance of the composer Horák with whom she falls in love and who prefers her to Doďa. Slávka's grandfather helps them get her parent's blessing for a wedding which then takes place in the old town hall. Slávka's friend Máňa offers her advice at the end of the film: "Get married, girls!" (According to promotional material issued at the time the film was made.)
The first film starring Bronislava Livia-Maurerová who won a beauty contest organised by the firm AB. The film materials are believed lost.
dcera továrníka Slávka Malínská
hudební skladatel Horák
vůdce skautů Mareš
výstřední dívka Doďa
chudá dívka Máňa
Děvčata, vdávejte se!
Děvčata, vdávejte se!
Get Married, Girls!
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
date of censorship 16 September 1921
premiere 23 December 1921 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Koruna, Praha)
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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