Professor Grant signs a contract with Dr Selín on the sale of his invention of cold light, however, the plans of the invention remain hidden in Grant's flat. The illusionist Durk eavesdrops on the negotiations - he wants to get the plans for himself. A few days later Selín is found murdered and his friend, engineer Bell, draws the police's attention to a lightbulb filled with poisoned gas. Durk makes an appearance during the celebrations of Grant's daughter's birthday and steals the plans. The police discover Durk's identity from the fingerprints he has left behind although, according to their records, Durk is already supposed to be in prison. It turns out that he has escaped with the help of guard Karban and put his weak-willed brother in his place. Durk kidnaps Grant in order that the latter can bring his plans to fruition. Bell continues the search with Anny, he meets with Durk who overwhelms him in a fight. Durk locks him into a room with the poisonous lightbulb. Karban saves Bell just in time after a struggle with Durk. Bell and Anny follow Durk with the police and finally Bell not only gains Grant plans, but also his daughter.
vynálezce prof. Oskar Grant
Grantova dcera Anny
Ing. Milan Bell
dr. Karel Selín, zástupce světového svazu průmyslníků
iluzionista Durk vlastním jménem Jiří Darken/Durkův bratr
Durkův společník Ferdinand Karban
Durkův pomocník Martin Bálek
sluha/baron Evans Margus, generální sekretář světového svazu průmyslníků
sluha Jan
policejní prezident
reportér Hynek
Grantův asistent
detektiv Hall
Selínova společnice
host na seanci u Granta
host na seanci u Granta
Otrávené světlo
Otrávené světlo
The Poisoned Light
featuretheatrical distribution
adventure, crime
premiere 21 October 1921 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Lucerna /1 týden/ a Louvre /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
62 min
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
Festival: 33. mezinárodní festival archivních a restaurovaných filmů Il Cinema Ritrovato Boloňa
Boloňa / Italy
Národní filmový archiv
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