After a winter spent in the mountains, a poet returns to the valley of Skalni Dvůr with the tramp Solem where a company of invited guests have gathered - Mrs Bredová and her daughter, miss Torsten, and the Attorney General. Solem gets a job as a labourer in the pub and the ladies admire his strength. Solem, however, has eyes only for miss Torsten and does not know that she, in turn, is captivated by the poet. In order to make him notice her, she talks only with the Attorney General. Solem decides to show the Attorney General that he can outdo him in strength during a mountain climb. High up in the mountains Solem cuts his rope and the latter falls down the mountain. However, Solem does not gain the young lady's favour. After some time, the poet meets miss Torsten in town, however, they are unable to become any closer since their characters are too different. Miss Torsten finally marries the joiner Nikolaj and the poet is left on his own. The last joy of his life has passed him by, never to return. (According to promotional material issued at the time the film was made.)
The film materials are believed lost.
tulák Solem
slečna Torsenová
truhlář Nikolaj
filmový herec
kupec Bat
adjunkt Höy
hostinský Pavel
paní Bredová
paní Molieová
dánský turista
děvčátko paní Bredové
Knut Hamsun (Poslední radost /Den siste glaede/ – román)
Poslední radost
Poslední radost
The Last Joy
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
premiere 6 January 1922 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Sanssouci, Praha)
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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