"Maharaja Mamlas Bej drives around the estate of Raul Dusotel. In the fields behind the farm, he and his servants come across Dusotil's daughter, Rhapsodie, and they kidnap her taking her home in the car with them. Dusotil calls on detective Mlha and, with his assistance, they take on the Maharajah and his followers. One by one the pursuers find their way into the Maharajah's palace and are knocked out. Finally, there is an explosion in the palace and the pursuers are able to rescue Rhapsodie." (Quotation from the censor's certificate.)
The film was shot in the AB Vinohrady Studios in the interiors of the film Mrtví žijí (The Dead Are Living). A grotesque comedy, it was part of the Anton Comedies cycle. The censors banned the film for the following reason: "As the shots are in incessant bad taste, compiling offensive scenes which are an infringement upon public decency, the film is immoral spectatle which would cause a public nuisance and therefore contravenes moral honour." The film materials are believed lost.
mahárádža Mamlas Bej
mahárádžova favoritka
farmář Raoul Dusotil, Rapsodiin otec
detektiv Mlha
detektivův pomocník
mahárádžova stráž
Jaroslav Balzar (fotograf)
Maharadžovo potěšení
Maharadžovo potěšení
The Maharajah's Pleasure
Harémy kouzla zbavené
Harems Without Magic
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
date of censorship 21 June 1922 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere (neproběhla)
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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