The miller Vendelín, a bachelor, is disliked for his miserliness and quick temper. The ranger Anton is the exact opposite to the miller - handsome, kind-hearted and pious. Both men are trying to win the favour of the beautiful Růženka, daughter of Veit the weaver. Veit gives preference to the wealthy miller but Růžena's heart belongs to Anton. The miller hosts the Veit at the time of the village fair hoping to convince him of the suitability of the match. He makes a request at the village dance for a solo dance with Růženka but the crafty Anton pushes an old hag into his arms instead of the young girl and Vendelín is mocked by the whole village; the millar promises revenge. Not long afterwards, the body of an unknown man is found in the woods with the bloodied ranger's knife lying nearby. Anton is arrested and, despite claiming his innocence, he is condemned to twenty year's imprionment at Spilberk castle. Vendelín again tries his luck with Růženka and, after threatening to take away the weaver's property, he is given Růženka's consent. On the day of the wedding, however, the girl kills herself. Eighteen years later Anton is pardoned. Vendelín is afraid of the consequences so he confesses to a priest that he committed a murder with Anton's knife in order to eliminate his rival. After he is released, Anton receives an enthusiastic welcome. Afterwards the priest takes him to Růženka's grave. (According to an article appearing in the press at the time the film was made.)
The first feature film from Brunafilm. The film had its première in the Bristol and Orania cinemas in Brno and was shown only in Moravia and in the German part of northern Bohemia. The film materials are believed lost.
Trestanci na Špilberku
Trestanci na Špilberku
Prisoners of Špilberk
Revírník Anton
The Ranger Anton
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
premiere 5 January 1923 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Bristol /1 týden/ a Orania /1 týden/, Brno)
feature film
62 min
1 760 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles