The gardener Kráčmera, his wife Barbora and daughter Baruška win half a million in the lottery and their lifestyle gradually changes as a result. The Kráčmeras move into a town flat and the mother and daughter go shopping for city clothes but are criticised for it by their former neighbours. The mother also helps her pregnant niece. Kráčmera the gardener promises his former employer that he will continue to tend his garden. Soon the Kráčmeras buy a new house. On an outing with her music teacher, Baruška meets the medical student Václav. Václav's uncle, the former head forester Fiala, causes a commotion when he comes to visit the family. The mother makes a scene at the market when she is buying food for the betrothal lunch and she is brought home by a policeman, without any shopping. Václav asks for Baruška's hand in marriage and Mrs. Kráčmerová tells her husband that it is they who are going to be bringing up a child. It later becomes clear that Mrs. Kráčmerová is going to be a mother again. Wedding preparations are in progress at Fiala's lodge and Fiala's past love Lilinka comes on a visit, and in the end two weddings take place. Mrs. Kráčmerová takes the place of the bellringer, who has fallen asleep.
Barbora Kráčmerová
zahradník Václav Kráčmera
dcera Kráčmerových Baruška
služka Eufrosina zvaná Anna
MUC. Václav Zdeborský
nadlesní v. v. Antonín Fiala, Václavův strýc
stará láska pana nadlesního Lilinka
Lilinčin otec
hospodyně u nadlesního Madla
Pepina, neteř Barbory Kráčmerové
Pepinin milý Francek
Pepinina matka
hajný Metud Vejvoda
pantatínek zahradník, majitel firmy
učitel hudby Rudolf Anděl
domácí Stehlík
oddávající kněz
Popelka Biliánová (Do panského stavu – román)
Do panského stavu
Do panského stavu
Into the Genteel State of Life
Matka Kráčmerka I.
The Mother kráčmerka I
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 29 September 1925
premiere 25 December 1925 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Adria /4 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
102 min
2 900 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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