A biographical film describing the life and work of the revivalist Josef Kajetán Tyl whose activities centred on the theatre and the endeavour to awaken the Czech nation. As a small boy he lived in Kutná Hora from where he moved to Prague to study with the help of his friend, Father Herzán. Ten years later Tyl is surrounded by people who would remain friends for life, he travels through the provinces as a touring actor. Magda Forchheimova, an actress, enters his life, to whom he is bound by gratitude but he cannot love her for his heart belongs to her younger sister Anna, also an actress. Tyl establishes a Czech theatre in the Kajetán house. He writes his famous "Fidlovačka" in which the Škroup's song "Where is my home" ("Kde domov můj"), the future Czech national anthem is heard . Tyl becomes an editor for periodicals, he directs a performance at the Stavovské divadlo and dreams of the National Theatre. He is expelled from Prague for his patriotic views by the Austrian authorities, he then works in the country and helps found the amateur theatre groups. He travels through the Czech countryside as a destitute man and dies in Plzeň after a serious illness.
Artistic adviser: the painter Josef Wenig.
herec a dramatik Josef Kajetán Tyl
Magdalena Forchheimová, Tylova žena
herečka Anna Forchheimová-Rajská
herec Jan Erazim Voříšek
novinář a spisovatel Karel Havlíček Borovský
básník Karel Hynek Mácha
kněz Boleslav Jablonský
František Ladislav Čelakovský
Karel Sabina
František Palacký
skladatel František Škroup
František Ladislav Rieger
herec Josef Jiří Kollár
spisovatel Karel Rubáš
básník Kalina
spisovatelka Božena Němcová
Eleonora Šomková, Máchova snoubenka
Tillová, matka Josefa Kajetána Tyla
Till, otec Josefa Kajetána Tyla
profous Kröpfel
Tyl v dětství
MUDr. Smetana
divadelní ředitel Jan Nepomuk Štěpánek
herec Prokop
herec Čížek
herec Krumlovský
herec Kaška
herečka Manetínská
ředitel kočovné společnosti Hilmer
páter Herzán
taneční mistr
kníže Windischgrätz
hrabě Šlik
hrabě Kolowrat
dr. Trojan
farářova hospodyně
dáma na plese
Havlíčkův průvodce v Německém Brodě
kancelářský sluha
Josef Ladislav Turnovský (Život a působení J. K. Tyla – esej)
akademický malíř Josef Wenig (umělecký poradce)
Josef Kajetán Tyl
Josef Kajetán Tyl
Josef Kajetán Tyl
Za slávou hereckou / Kde domov můj?
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, biography
date of censorship 01/1925 (kulturně-výchovný)
premiere 29 January 1926 /suitable for youths/ (kina Orient /2 týdny/ a Radio /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
130 min
3 700 meters
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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