Landowner Zaren, his daughter Eva and her betrothed Frank Solar find themselves at the house of Petr Horyna high up in the mountains. Eva catches pneumonia and the only available medicament is ice. Horyna undergoes a dangerous journey but he brings back the necessary ice; he saves Eva's life but also finds that he has fallen in love with her. Just before her marriage to Solar, Eva finds out about his alcoholism and instead marries Horyna. Solar, however, with the help of his friends, convinces her that her union is not equal. Eva leaves Horyna and goes back to Solar. Her brother Jiří catches sight of Solar with his lover Lola and Eva, too, sees Solar's deceit for herself. She tries to commit suicide but in the end she goes back to the mountains to Horyna who is the one who really loves her.
Petr Horyna
matka Horyny
statkář Jan Zaren
statkářova dcera Eva
statkářova dcera Sylva
Zarenova manželka
Zarenův sekretář/lékař s plnovousem
správce Zarenova panství
vrátný u Zarena
Frank Solar
světák Gustav Ryk
Rykova přítelkyně Olga Hajdová
tanečnice Lola
lékař s brýlemi
ředitel ocelárny
host v baru
Jiří Zaren
sólová tanečnice
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Syn hor
Syn hor
The Son of the Mountains
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 26 October 1925
premiere 23 October 1925 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Světozor a Na Slovanech, Praha)
feature film
105 min
2 988 meters
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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