The owner of a house, Myslíkovský, lives with his wife and daughters Amálka and Klotylda. The concierge Kulich lives with his wife and daughter Nanynka who is in love with the young teacher Jindřich Novák. When Jindřich is given a teaching position, he asks for Nanynka's hand in marriage. The wedding is the business of the whole house, especially Mr Dundr. The delightful Amálka is to be Nanynka's bridesmaid; Jindřich's best friend, the timid teacher Vejlupek is best man. Mrs Knedlhansová, a family friend, offers her flat for the wedding feast. During the festivities Klotylda receives her parents' blessing for her wedding to Mr Švabelšvanc and Mr Dundr offers his hand to the owner of a clothes factory where Nanynka works, Miss Pazderková. The festivities come to an end and the newly-weds go off to their new home.
The original negatives were destroyed by a fire during the Prague Uprising in 1945. The new dupe-negative was created from a print discovered by accident, thus the film has a slightly different form. In the National Film Archive Prague is preserved a sound copy print 1 502,0 metres.
domovník Bartoloměj Kulich
Kulichova žena Anna
Nanynka Kulichová
učitel Jindřich Novák
vdova Angelina Knedlhansová
podnájemník u Knedlhansové Saloupek
pan domácí Stanislav Myslikovský
Myslikovského manželka Kateřina
dcera domácích Amálka
dcera domácích Klotylda
učitel Václav Vejlupek
majitelka módního salonu Agáta Pazder
zprostředkovatel Chrysostomus Dundr
dcera paní Knedlhansové Albínka
majitel domů/kostelník
sochař Max Přetrhlo
Klotyldin nápadník pan Švalbenšvan
švadlenka Betynka
švadlenka Terynka
místodržitelský rada/kytarista v Zlaté studni
hostinský Alois Čejka
krejčí Tadeáš Boubela
Ignát Herrmann (Vdavky Nanynky Kulichovy – román)
Vdavky Nanynky Kulichovy
Vdavky Nanynky Kulichovy
The Wedding of Nanynka Kulichová
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 25 May 1925
premiere 12 June 1925 /suitable for youths/ (kino Adria /3 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
91 min
2 600 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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