The travellers in the compartment of a train tell stories of the troubles of marriage. Sitting amongst them is Pozdnyšev, whose case caused a sensation among the public. Pozdnyšev begins to tell his tale. As a wealthy landowner, he led a profligate life. At one particular dinner party he meets Nataša, falls in love with her and marries her. Nataša gives birth to three children but is anxious to get back to society high-life. One day, she has the opportunity to meet with an old friend of her husband, the violinist Truchačevský. Nataša is fascinated by him. Pozdnyšev invites Truchačevský on a visit and he and Nataša begin to rehearse the Kreutzer Sonata. Pozdnyšev becomes jealous and he and Nataša argue so fiercely that she tries to commit suicide. After her recovery, the couple reconcile and Truchačevský and Nataša perform the concert as planned with great success. The next day, Truchačevský is due to leave. In a peaceful frame of mind, Pozdnyšev sets off on a journey, but soon receives word that Truchačevský's departure has been postponed and immediately rushes back home. He arrives to find Nataša and the violinist in an embrace. He seizes a dagger and, in a fit of jealousy, stabs his wife. The court discharges him declaring that the act was committed in a moment of mental abberation.
statkář Pozdnyšev
Nataša, Pozdnyševova žena
houslista Truchačevský
Natašina matka
chůva u Pozdnyševových
posluchač na koncertě
Natašin tanečník
posluchač na koncertě
mladá dívka na koncertě
Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj (Kreutzerova sonáta – povídka)
Gustav Machatý, Jaroslav Seifert (spolupráce na scénáři)
Kreutzerova sonáta
Kreutzerova sonáta
The Kreutzer Sonata
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
date of censorship 18 November 1926
preview 18 November 1926 (kino Adria, Praha)
premiere 25 February 1927 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Lucerna a Orient, Praha)
feature film
69 min
2 690 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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