The young seamstress Julča Záleská seeks work outside Prague during the summer months. One day she makes the acquaintance of the sculptor Jiří Bendl. The summer ends and Julča has to return to Prague to her regular job. Bendl promises to come and see her. During an accident in his studio he becomes blind and Julča waits in vain for him to come. She is desparate because she is pregnant. A child is still born to the wife of Bendl's friend, Dr Jíl. In order to save the mother psychological problems from the shock, he obstetrician gives her one of the twins who have been born in the same hospital to Julča, who is struggling for her own life after the birth. Julča, however, regains her health and she goes off to see her uncle in Polabí with her daughter Martička. Bendl and his mother move into a villa nearby and he meets little Martička during his walks. During one of these occasions, Martička falls into the river and drowns. Dr Jíl visits Bendl with his daughter Věra. From the ensuing conversation it becomes evident that Věra is Bendl's child. The wretched Julča intends to drown herself but Dr Jíl, passing by chance, saves her and takes her to the Bendls. The voice of his beloved brings back Bendl's sight and Dr Jíl hands little Věra over to her rightful parents.
sochař Jiří Bendl
Bendlova matka
švadlena Julča Záleská
Julčina dcera Martička/Julčina dcera Věruška
majitelka módního salónu Bažantová
chemik dr. Jíl
profesor Hermann
strýc z Polabí
Pražská švadlenka
Pražská švadlenka
The Pargue Little Seamstress
Maminčiny slzičky
Mother's Tear-Drops
featuretheatrical distribution
preview 18 August 1926 (kino Orient, Praha)
premiere 2 December 1926 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Passage, Praha)
feature film
72 min
2 036 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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