It is the First World War. The nouveau riche lackey Salten and his accomplice have the sick baron Petr Vlenecký insured at a high premium; they subsequently buy the insurance policy from him. The baron's son Oldřich is secretary to the director of the Austrian engineering works, Donath. With the aid of chemist Radosta, he is compiling copies of the plans of the engineering works for Czech patriots. Oldřich accompanies Donatha to Berlin for a meeting with professor Rottenburg who is to show them his new chemical weapon. At Radosta's instigation Oldřich meets the Czech Jan Trudný who, under the name of Hans Truding, is working for the French as a spy and brings him the plan for the weapons. Vlenecký dies and Salten gets his money. The persecuted Oldřich hides out in a monastery opposite Salten's house and falls in love with his daughter Marcela. Dressed as a monk he goes as an envoy of the order to Switzerland but is arrested and sentenced to death as a spy. He is rescued by Truding with whom he travels to France. During the battle of Verdun, Truding and his companion Helena destroy secret corridors built by the Germans; however, they die in the process. After the War Oldřich and Marcela honour their memory.
baron Petr Vlenecký z Vlenec
baronův syn Oldřich, Donathův tajemník
baronova dcera Zdenka
následník trůnu arcivévoda František Ferdinand d'Este
Ignát Salten, bývalý lokaj arcivévody d'Este
Saltenova dcera Marcella
ředitel Rakouských strojíren rytíř Donath
majitelka salonu Klotylda Rajská
Helena, dcera Klotyldy Rajské
konfident Gustav Lustig, Klotyldin přítel
lesní adjunkt Mirko Radosta, Oldřichův přítel
Hans Truding, vlasním jménem Jan Trudný
vynálezce profesor Rotterburger
chemik Božík Radosta
lokaj s plnovousem
páter Agathon, mnich řádu bosáků
slečna Hoftová, Helenina společnice
příslušník vojenské policie
čtenář novin
partner barona Vleneckého
Vavřinec Řehoř (Válečné tajnosti pražské – román)
Válečné tajnosti pražské
Válečné tajnosti pražské
Military Secrets of Prague
featuretheatrical distribution
premiere 25 June 1926 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Passage /2 týdny/ a Světozor /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
97 min
2 772 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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