The lawyer Uher comes home to find his wife Zdena in the arms of a lover. Crushed by her infidelity he leaves home and makes for the ill-famed pub Battalion, where he gets to know the regulars : former actor Mušek, dog-thief Bylina, mason Rokos, ex-serviceman Vondra, consuptive Eda, the prostitute Tonka and the seduced young girl Lojzka. Uher becomes the patron of this society of lost souls and he tries to help them. When Eda goes to the opposite pub for some soup, he is accidentally shot during a police raid. Uher is a witness in the trial with the policeman who shot Eda and he challenges the legal system. Olga, daughter of the chief judge asks Uher to become church organist and Uher, who longs in vain for her affection, agrees. He cannot resist alcohol, however, and he is on the decline. He finds himself in hospital for poor people where Olga comes to visit him. Uher becomes delirious and sees in her his unfaithful wife. He forgives Zdena on his deathbed. The company from the Batalion sings their "anthem" above his grave: Everything is gone, is gone...
Collaboration of František Matoušek: see Karel Smrž – Jan Kučera: Bilance filmové sezóny 1927–1928. (The balance of the film season 1927–1928), Host 7, 1927–1928, s. 315.
advokát a poslanec JUDr. František Uher
advokátova manželka Zdenka
nadporučík, milenec advokátovy ženy
bývalý voják Vondra
souchotinář Eda
bývalý herec Mušek
zloděj psů Bylina
prezident soudu
dcera prezidenta soudu Olga
snoubenec Olgy Alfréd
zedník Rokos
manželka zedníka Rokose
dcera zedníka Rokose Lojzka
Lojzčin milý Frantík Záruba
lehká holka Tonka
obstarožní svůdce Lojzky
pasák holek
kamarádka Tonky
pouliční galán
surový opilec
opilcova žena
profous Fišpanky
policejní komisař
lehká holka
soudní úředník
zapisovatel u soudu
zapisovatel u soudu
zapisovatel u soudu
prodavačka na trhu
kněz na pohřbu
univerzitní pedel na pohřbu
Josef Hais-Týnecký (Batalion – román), Josef Hais-Týnecký (Batalion – divadelní hra)
Fotoatelier Benda (fotograf)
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 27 December 1927
date of censorship 09/1935 (konec povolení k promítání 1940)
withdrawal from distribution 1 August 1976
premiere 25 December 1927 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Olympic /7 týdnů/, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 August 1963 /inaccessible for youths/ (filmové kluby)
Julius Schmitt (původní 1927), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1963)
feature film
96 min
2 723 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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