During the wedding of doctor Zdeborský and Betynka Kráčmerová, mother Kráčmerka falls asleep in the church belfry from where she had rung out the joyful news for all to hear. Happiness also shines for the forester Fiala who has married his beloved Lilinka. During the wedding feast at the Kráčmera's house the guests notice that the bride's mother has gone missing and, after a long search, they free her from the locked belfry. The newly-weds, Mr and Mrs Zdeborský, leave for Prague where, in their new domestic environment, they experience both joy and sadness. After some time Dr Zdeborský announces that his wife is pregnant during a birthday party held for his mother. Finally a little girl is born to the young couple. In the meantime Mr Kráčmer has bought a family house in Řevnice and the whole family moves in together. Lilinka, the forester's wife, also wishes to bring up a child and when Christmas arrives, mother Kráčmerka surprised her by bringing her a very unusual present - an orphan. Then Mrs Kráčmerová and old Kráčmer decide to return home to their gardening and their quiet life.
Václav Kráčmera
Barbora Kráčmerová
MUDr. Václav Zdeborský
Betynka, Václavova žena, rozená Kráčmerová
nadlesní v. v. Antonín Fiala
Fialova žena Lilinka
hajný Metud Vejvoda
Madla, hospodyně u nadlesních
služka Anna
Popelka Biliánová (V panském stavu – román)
František Skružný (fotograf), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
V panském stavu
V panském stavu
A Lordly Estate
Matka Kráčmerka II.
Mother Kráčmerka II
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 1927
date of censorship 02/1933 (konec povolení k promítání 1938)
premiere 22 April 1927 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Louvre /2 týdny/, Radio /1 týden/ a Světozor /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
76 min
2 175 meters
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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