Artist Rudolf Romain who is betrothed to Maria Santová, falls in love with the dancer Nina Lavalová. She is also loved by the young baron Hanuš Stetten. His sister, however, does not wish this love to come to fruition and therefore tries to prove to her brother that the dancer has other lovers. Nina wishes to escape from this unpleasant situation and so she goes off to the sea with Rudolf. The detective, hired by Hanuš's sister, finds them and sends compromising photographs to Prague. The jealous Hanuš, after an emotional encounter, forces Nina to come home. Nina discovers that Rudolf's mother has fallen ill since Rudolf has left Maria. She realises that she is not suitable as Rudolf's wife and she persuades the artist to go back to Maria. She is herself resigned to her fate and accepts an offer of marriage to the baron Bihl who has courted her for long time. (According to a description of the time)
The original story by Jan S. Kolár, entitled "Prince from the Street" was reworked by the German screenwriter Helmuth Ortmann to such a degree that Jan S. Kolár refused to be presented as the author of the story. National Film Archive Prague received an 8mm copy in the English version print 298,8 metres. In Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin has survived a unique 35mm copy print 1 330,0 metres.
tanečnice Nina Lavalová
malíř Rudolf Romain
Marie Santová, Romainova snoubenka
baron Hanuš Stetten
Edita, Stettenova sestra
baron Bihl/epizoda tuláka
detektiv Harry Pilka
Rudolfova matka
rybářská dcera
Helmuth Ortmann, Charlie Roellinghoff (mezititulky)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Dcery Eviny
Dcery Eviny
Eva's Daughters
Princ z ulice
Prince from the Street
Evas Töchter / Das Paradies von Heute
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Germany
date of censorship 13 March 1928
premiere 6 April 1928 (kina Radio a Světozor, Praha)
feature film
82 min
2 325 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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