The First World War breaks out and the stableboy Josef Kudrna, like many others, has to say farewell to his wife. He is wounded on the front but soon is sent back into battle after leaving the military hospital. Josef enters into conflict with the officer who attacks him. The soldiers defend Kudrna and assail the officer brutal. Josef is arrested and presented before the court martial. The judge is not concerned with guilt or innocence since the strongly anti-Czech field marshal has given a secret order for Josef to be condemned to death. This highest punishment is meant to serve as a warning to Czech soldiers. Kudrna's wife with her children plead in vain for mercy. Not even the emperor will hear her plea. Josef Kudrna is executed on the 7th of May 1915. Just before he dies, images of his dear family flash past his eyes.
The theatre play, on which the film was based, was written according to real events.
čeledín, později voják Josef Kudrna
Anna, Kudrnova manželka
polní podmaršálek Schwerdtner
Žofie, Schwerdtnerova žena
předseda vojenského soudu plukovník Heckendorfer
hejtman Chocenský
podplukovník Plevka
posádkový kurát Voneš
císař František Josef I.
syn Kudrnových
Antonín H. Řehoř (Poprava Josefa Kudrny – divadelní hra)
Jménem Jeho Veličenstva
Jménem Jeho Veličenstva
In the Name of His Majesty
Poprava pěšáka Kudrny / Poprava Josefa Kudrny
The Execution of Infantryman Kudrna
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 31 May 1929
date of censorship 07/1934 (konec povolení k promítání 1939)
premiere 31 May 1929 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Avion /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
95 min
2 700 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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