Farmer Jakub asks Rychnovsky the miller for the hand in marriage of his daughter Marie. Marie is distraught as she does not love Jakub. Furthermore, Jakub and Rychnovský slander her sweetheart Konrad, saying that he has his eye on the miller's wife. At her father's request Marie says goodbye to Konrad and leaves for the city. After her departure, Konrad gets drunk and, in the graveyard, spirits appear before him of those who will die within a year. Among them is the miller and Marie. The miller is ill and the grave-digger recommends that he rub his chest with earth taken from a freshly dug grave. The miller takes earth from a grave and suddenly runs into Konrad. He falls to the ground in fright. Marie catches Konrad standing over her father's body and accuses him of causing her father's death. Soon afterwards Marie also dies. However, Konrád manages to get to her just before she dies to play her favourite song. A funeral procession accompanies Marie on her last journey.
The première of the film took place in Plzeň (the Peklo cinema). The première in Prague was not shown until November 1st 1929.
mlynář Rychnovský
mlynářova dcera Marie
mlynářský chasník Konrád Záleský
mlynářova sestra Markéta
Konrádova matka
hrobník Jonáš
mladý sedlák Jakub
chasník u mlynáře Rychnovského
hostinský Blažej
Blažejova žena
vesnická dívka
host v hostinci
Ernst Raupach (Mlynář a jeho dítě /Der Müller und sein Kind/ – divadelní hra)
Mlynář a jeho dítě
Mlynář a jeho dítě
The Miller and His Child
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 13 November 1928
preview 16 November 1928 (kino Peklo, Plzeň)
premiere 1 November 1929 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Maceška, Praha)
feature film
81 min
2 297 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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