Count Březenský brings the tinker Jano back with him to his estate. On the way they spend the night in an inn where they are attacked by robbers. The mother of the count lives on the estate with her niece, the comtesse Jelena, who loves the count. Jano is enchanted by Dorla from the neighbouring village. However, Pavel, the nephew of the smuggler Sršán, also loves her. Jano's attentions cause Pavel's jealousy. Sršán gangs up with one of the bandits who attacked the count at the inn and, together, they organise another robbery. During the spring day celebrations, the old countess announces Jelena's betrothal to Březenský and he asks for Dorla's hand on Pavel's behalf. Sršán intends to make use of the spring day distractions to attack the count, however, he and his gang are discovered by Pavel. During a struggle with the gang, Jano is shot as he protects the count with his own body, and he dies. In the autumn, however, two weddings take place - the count with the comtesse Jelena and Pavel with Dorla.
The film was again presented in 1933 in its sound version. The copy was put together by Miroslav J. Krňanský and Jan Čermák in 1955 from the surviving parts of the negative and the only existing copy print 1 995,5 metres.
dráteník Jano
hrabě Hanuš Březenský
matka hraběte Březenského
komtesa Jelena, Hanušova sestřenice
bábina vnučka Dorla
bábin syn slepý Joza
Pavel Srna
Petr, Pavlův kamarád
strýc Pavla Srny pašerák Sršán
krčmář Michl
číšnice Líza
šafář Miča, původně drotár
Manka, Míčova žena, bábina dcera
lupič s cinkem na oku
lupič s plnovousem
selský synek Ondra
selské děvče Kačena
vrchní celník
děda Bor
zchudlý šlechtic
zchudlý šlechtic
matka Pavla Srny
host v hospodě
Božena Němcová (Pohorská vesnice – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Pohorská vesnice
Pohorská vesnice
Mountain Village
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 5 December 1928
date of censorship 02/1934 (konec povolení k promítání 1939)
premiere 2 November 1928 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Avion, Praha)
feature film
115 min
3 279 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles