A film about the three friends from a village below Karlštejn castle, one of which returns home from the war as a Russian, the second as a French legionnaire and the third as an Italian legionnaire. After they return home they live with their wives and grown-up sons who took their place while they were away. From the wonderful example their fathers have shown them, the sons turn into good soldiers. "...when they come home on leave they boast to their fathers of our regiments, cannons, aeroplanes and their highest commander, President Masaryk. And so the courageous fathers who shed blood for their country can now live life to the full in liberated Czechoslovakia." (Quotation from the press release from the time the film was made.)
A simple story, complemented with documentary footage of Czechoslovak legionnaires on the Russian front, the Czech Association, the departure of the 28th regiment from Praguer to the front, the proclamation of the Republic on the 28th of October 1918, the arrival of President Masaryk, the return of the Russian legionnaires and the burial of the Unknown Soldier. Unknown amateur actors perform the roles of the blacksmith Janda, the workman Bárta and the peasant farmer Tomeš. This official film was made to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic.
on sám, generál
on sám, ruský generál
on sám, poručík
slovanská víla
kovář Václav Janda, italský legionář
dělník Bárta, francouzský legionář
rolník Tomeš, ruský legionář
Tomešův syn Jeníček
obecní sluha s bubnem
Tomešův syn, pěšák československé armády
Jandův syn, jezdec československé armády
Tomešův syn, dělostřelec československé armády
Za československý stát
Za československý stát
For the Czechoslovak State
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 18 October 1928 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 01/1934 (kulturně-výchovný; konec povolení k promítání 1939)
premiere 26 October 1928 /suitable for youths/ (kina Avion, Orient, Louvre a Minuta, Praha)
Kinoreferát V. oddělení hlavního štábu, Ministerstvo národní obrany (zadavatel)
feature film
83 min
2 350 meters
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles