Zdenka, the daughter of the banker Urban, and her friend Máňa, make the acquaintance of the nephew of factory owner, Jaroslav Klement and the workman Vladimír Skála. On Sunday they all go to the amusement park. Máňa is not aware that Jaroslav is a wealthy man while Vladimír knows that Zdenka comes from a rich family and this causes him much concern. A party in the Urban's house is broken up by Zdenka's mother who orders her daughter's friends out of the house. Zdenka admits that she loves Vladimír, but her mother will hear nothing of it. A companion of Mrs. Urban, Ema, is chatting in the bar to a man who claims to be a baron. She ends up at the police station where she is rescued by Máňa's brother Václav. For this service, Václav is rewarded with her favour. Jaroslav is to take over the factory and get married to a suitable wife. The wedding takes place in the simple flat of Máňa's parents. From here Jaroslav takes his guests to his villa. It is only now that he can ask the Urbans for Zdenka's hand in marriage for his friend Vladimír who is now to become his partner.
The film contains rare shots of the amusement park in Prague Eden which is no longer in existence.
komerční rada Urban
Otýlie, rozená hraběnka Krauseminz, Urbanova žena
Zdenka, dcera Urbanových
Otýliina společnice Ema
Florián Krauseminz, Urbanův synovec
montér Jaroslav Klement, majitel továrny
továrník, Klementův strýc
montér Vladimír Skála, Jaroslavův přítel
Vladimírova matka Marketa Skálová
správce Zelenka
Zelenkova žena
Máňa, Zelenkova dcera, kamarádka Zdenky
Václav, Zelenkův syn, Emin nápadník
Alfréd Šnajdr alias baron Freddy
Urbanův sluha
svatební host
manželka svatebního hosta
vyšetřující komisař
žena na čertově kole v Edenu
sluha na svatbě
spící muž na komisařství
Známosti z ulice
Známosti z ulice
A Acquaintances from the Street
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Germany
date of censorship 19 December 1928
date of censorship 09/1933 (konec povolení k promítání 1938)
premiere 11 January 1929 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Juliš /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
92 min
2 630 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles