Marie Růžová, a child born out of wedlock, grows up in the family of the miller Bořický. She spends her childhood and youth in the company of the Bořickýs son Klement. Klement studies law becomes a laywer and is betrothed to Jiřinka. The latter's mother is concerned about Klement's relationship with Marie and she threatens Bořický's not to allow her daughter to marry their son. In order that she is not the cause of further arguments, Marie leaves secretly for Prague during the night. There she has to earn a hard living as a waitress. She resists the advances of the architect Jánský until her despair finally drives her to attempt to take her own life. She is, however, saved and is taken into the care of Mrs. Rivolová. The latter recognises her own daughter in Maria whom she put in fosterage when she was young. Jánský, the husband of Mrs. Rivolová's other daughter Věra, tries to take Marie by force. He is shot during the attempt and Marie is suspected of the murder. Klement defends her in court and proves her innocence. Jánský's jealous wife Věra confesses to the crime. Marie is exonerated of all blame and, after the case is closed, she and Klement lovingly embrace each other.
The film was presented once more in its sound version in 1932 by the distribution company Ringlerfilm, set to the music of Jára Beneš. In the National Film Archive Prague is filed a sound copy print 2 332,9 metres.
Marie Růžová
Mariina matka, paní Rivolová
mlynář Bořický
Bořického žena
mlynářův syn JUDr. Klement Bořický
Alois Mokráček
Mokráčkova žena
podnájemník Berka
architekt Robert Jánský
Věra, Jánského žena, dcera Rivolových
poběhlice Tereza
matka Jiřinky, snoubenky Klementa Bořického
pěstounka malé Marie
soused pěstounky
sousedova žena
hostinský Janota
host U Janotů
host U Janotů
host U Janotů
host U Janotů
zpěvačka v šantánu
zpěvák v šantánu
státní zástupce
předseda soudu
soudní dozorce
člen senátu
vládní rada Kobler
dr. König
Václav Čech-Stráň (Chudá holka – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Jára Beneš (ozvučení 1932)
Song Composer Jára Beneš /ozvučení 1932/
Writer of Lyrics Karel Tobis /ozvučení 1932/
Chudá holka
Chudá holka
Poor Girl
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 28 January 1930
date of censorship 01/1932 (ozvučená verze)
gala premiere 14 January 1930 (kino Flora, Praha)
premiere 28 February 1930 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Flora /1 týden/, Roxy /1 týden/ a Světozor /1 týden/, Praha)
renewed premiere 12 August 1932 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Kapitol /3 týdny/, Praha /ozvučená verze/)
Fortuna Film, Ringlerfilm (ozvučení 1932)
Fortuna Film (původní 1930), Ringlerfilm (obnovená 1932)
feature film
102 min
2 900 meters
1:1,33, 1:1,19
black & white
silent, sound
Czech, without dialogue
without subtitles