Actor Ivan Kristen and his wife Soňa leave the provincial theatre to go to work in the city. Soňa has Ivan to thank for her artistic career but, due to the chaotic way the theatre is run, Soňa is given a role but Ivan is left without a job. Soňa becomes a star and is courted by the leading man Richard Kent. Noone appreciates Ivan's talent so he decides to leave the theatre, taking Soňa with him. Kent, however, pulls strings and Ivan grts a big role. In order to prepare psychologically for this role Ivan studies various characters who frequent the pub. Here he meets the pickpocket Ferda who offers to steal Soňa's letter to Kent for him. He breaks into Kent's villa while Ivan moves into the hotel opposite. There is an exchange of gunshots and Ivan is suspected of attacking Kent. Ferda drowns in the river after the attack and Ivan is taken for dead. In despair he visits Kent and learns in the letter that Soňa says farewell to Kent because she doesn't want to leave Ivan. Soňa returns home unexpectedly. Ivan hides behind the curtain but is killed when he accidentally falls down onto the pavement below. Soňa and Kent leave the house, their car has to weave its way through the crowd which has gathered around the dead body.
The film was released in Germany under the title Die letzte Maske and in France under the title Le dernier masque.
During the years 2016 – 2017 the film was reconstructed by the National Film Archive Prague.
herec Ivan Kristen
herečka Soňa Kristenová
ředitel Velkého divadla Eduard Warren
herec Richard Kent
kapsář Ferda Štika
starý krčmář
ředitel venkovského divadla
tajemník ředitele venkovského divadla
venkovský herec
Warrenův asistent
herečka Mimi Stevensová
intendant Velkého divadla
Warrenův tajemník
nápověda ve Velkém divadle
inspicient ve Velkém divadle
divadelní asistent
divadelní asistent
divadelní asistent
herečka v inscenaci Liliom
divadelní maskér
policejní komisař
Sonina garderobiérka v divadle
divadelní sluha
Kentův sluha
Sonina komorná
recepční v hodinovém hotelu
strážník v inscenaci Liliom
asistent scény
hudebník s klarinetem
hudebník s basou
herec na večírku
host na večírku
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Hříchy lásky
Hříchy lásky
The Sins of Love
Poslední maska / Strach z lásky
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 26 August 1929
premiere 25 October 1929 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Metro /1 týden/ a Beránek /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
78 min
2 297 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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