Mařenka loves the young lad Jeník whose father doesn't agree with the new methods involved in agriculture and won't recognise the new saltpetre fertiliser system. His fields have a very small yield. Mařenka's mother wants to marry her off to the rich farmer's son Toník but Mařenka does not want him. The mayor wants to help the young couple and arranges work for Jeník at the model farm in Uhříněves so that he can learn about the modern methods of agriculture. Mařenka's mother, in order to put a stop to her daughter's meetings with Jeník, sends her to Prague to an agricultural school. In Prague the young couple continue to meet. When Jeník returns to his native village in Moravia a year later, he manages to convince his father that saltpetre manure improves production and the money invested is well worth it. Mařenka's mother finally consents to the marriage of her daughter and Jeník.
Jeník Vávra
Toník Votruba
Mařenčina matka
Jeníkův otec
Jinak otcové – jinak děti
Jinak otcové – jinak děti
The Fathers Do It One Way, the Children Another
Anders die Väter, anders die Kinder
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 01/1929
date of censorship 01/1941 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 1944 (predikát „lidově vzdělavatelský film“)
withdrawal from distribution 18 May 1945
premiere 8 January 1929 /suitable for youths/ (kino Orient, Praha)
renewed premiere 01/1941 /suitable for youths/
Československá delegace producentů chilského ledku (původní 1929), Zemské filmové ústředí (obnovená 1941)
feature film
76 min
2 170 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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