The mother of poor seamstress Kamila dies and the girl must leave her home. The son of the school inspector, Jírek, yearns for Jarča, the daughter of an industrialist; she, however, has fallen in love with teacher Egon Filip. At his son's request, the inspector has Filip transferred. In the end, Jírek seduces Jarča. Kamila, by a happy coincidence, finds a new position as a nanny but the father of the family for which she works, tries to seduce her and the wife throws Kamila out. The despairing girl is followed by a beggar and she is rescued by the teacher, Filip. Kamila then becomes a house-keeper on his farm. Jírek disloyally abandons Jarča who is expecting his baby. The father throws Jarča out of his house and the wretched girl intends killing herself on the railway lines. She is saved by Kamila just, in time Kamila takes her home to Filip's farm. Jarča bears a child after some time but she dies during childbirth. Filip does not know for whom he has provided shelter - and he only sees Jarča after her death. After some time Filip marries Kamila.
The film was banned by the censors; after the "offensive" scenes had been cut out, it was shown in January 1930 in the cinema Grand in České Budějovice.
švadlena Kamila
průmyslníkova dcera Jarča
učitel Egon Filip
inspektorův syn dr. Jírek
školní inspektor A. Jírek
manželka průmyslníka
průmyslník Artur, Jarčin otec
Kamilin svůdce
otec holčičky
matka holčičky
Kamilina matka
Osud tří srdcí
Osud tří srdcí
The Fate of Three Hearts
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 18 January 1929 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 01/1930 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Grand, České Budějovice)
feature film
67 min
1 900 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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