The Czechoslovak legion in Russia have been guaranteed a free passage by the Bolshevik government through to Vladivostok. The Czechoslovak unit receive the news by wire that they are to be disarmed, divided up and put in the Red Army. At this news the division takes up its weapons, lieutenant Švec takes over command with the support of his men and, thus armed, they stand up against the Soviets. Under the leadership of a new commander, the Czechoslovaks press on through the assiduous resistance of the Bolsheviks claiming victory after victory. However, after so many battles they are tired and soon lose heart with the feeling that they are on their own and that the world knows nothing about them. Irresponsible demagogues among their numbers propagate the defeatist mood and they manage even to sew the seed of doubt in the men against their commander. Colonel Švec, in order to save his army and his honour, takes his own life and shoots himself. This sacrifice is not in vain for the Czechoslovaks are filled with renewed strength and they finally push through the whole of Siberia to Vladivostok in order to return to their homeland.
At some screenings in cinemas in and outside Prague, emcee and ballad-singer Josef Waltner recited the poem "The Oath" by Rudolf Medek as a melodramatic introduction to the film and sang the song "Brothers from Siberia" during the intermission.
plukovník Švec
major Kaluža
poručík Trojan
buřič Martyška
Kodl, Švecův vojenský sluha
Trojanova láska Nataša
kněžna Suvarovskaja, matka Nataši
Švecova láska z mládí Maki
vojín Perný
vojín Janda
vojín Jurajčík
vojín Líbrman
vojín Václav Hofírek
Perného dívka Marie Ivanovna
ruský generál
kazaňský starosta
srbský major Blagotič
legionář u vlaku
sovětský komisař Kurajev
sovětský komisař Liebersohn
sovětský komisař Minikin
sovětský komisař Aralov
sovětský důstojník
František Jerhot, Rovinskij
Rudolf Medek (Plukovník Švec – divadelní hra), Rudolf Medek (Mohutný sen – román /čtvrtá část románové kroniky Anabaze/), Rudolf Medek (Za svobodu – kniha)
František Poneš (triky a modely)
štábní kapitán Turek (historie), Jindra Vlček
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Plukovník Švec
Plukovník Švec
Colonel Švec
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, war
date of censorship 13 February 1930 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 04/1935 (kulturně-výchovný; konec povolení k promítání 1940)
gala premiere 13 February 1930 (kino Fénix, Praha)
premiere 14 February 1930 /suitable for youths/ (kino Fénix /9 týdnů/, Praha)
feature film
144 min
4 110 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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