In the village of Modlínov lives the well respected and loved miller Dolanský. He has led a contented life until the feared rough-neck Vavřík returns home from the army. He asks for work at the mill. The miller doesn't want to give him a job. The angry Vavřík threatens to tell the court the circumstances of the miller's wife's death. He claims that the miller threw his wife off the first floor of the stable. Dolanský is not entirely sure what happened that fateful day and he allows himself to be blackmailed by Vavřík. Vavřík loses his money in cards. When he comes to ask for the hand in marriage of the miller's daughter Eva, the miller decides to go to the courts to tell the truth himself in order to save his child. The court doesn't believe his testimony and Vavřík is summoned. The latter is subsequently wounded by guards and dies. Before he dies he confesses to his love Tonička that he had invented the story about the miller and Tonička testifies in court. The miller is relieved of his sin of the past and life gradually returns to normal.
The film was presented once more in its sound version in 1933, set to the music of Dalibor C. Vačkář, under the title The Sin of the Past – the Cup of bitterness.
mlynář Dolanský
mlynářova dcera Eva
Tonička Pelikánová
vyděrač Vavřík Světák
Vavříkova matka žebračka
Bartoloměj Pelikán, Toniččin otec
Karel Horyna
mlynář Horyna, Karlův otec
mlynářka Horynová
stárek Lukáš
selský synek František Vodenka
okresní soudce
soudní sluha
Jan Klecanda (Starý hřích – román)
Jan Roth (vrchní osvětlovač), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Dalibor C. Vačkář (ozvučení 1933)
Song Composer Dalibor C. Vačkář /ozvučení 1933/
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš /ozvučení 1933/
Singer Vinohradské pěvecké kvarteto /ozvučení 1933/
Song Composer Dalibor C. Vačkář /ozvučení 1933/
Writer of Lyrics Otakar Hanuš /ozvučení 1933/
Singer Vinohradské pěvecké kvarteto /ozvučení 1933/
Starý hřích
Starý hřích
The Sin of the Past
Starý hřích – kalich hořkosti [uvedení 1933]
The Sin of the Past – the Cup of Bitterness
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 30 October 1929
date of censorship 03/1933 (ozvučená verze)
date of censorship 06/1935 (konec povolení k promítání 1940)
premiere 7 February 1930 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Národ /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 6 October 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Alma /1 týden/, Praha /ozvučená verze/)
Jan Kyzour (původní 1930 a obnovená 1933)
feature film
112 min
3 200 meters
1:1,33, 1:1,19
tinting, black & white
silent, sound
Union Electric
Czech, without dialogue
without subtitles
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