Billy the tramp breaks into a postal van and takes a letter addressed to farmer Rohn in which the latter is invited to Brno by his relations Jan and Maria. Billy finds his way into Europe hidden in the plane of a famous pilot, Loppy, he checks into a hotel in Brno and carelessly causes a fire. The police take him to the home of who they believe to be his relations, Jan and Marie. Billy is warmly welcomed and the young couple take great care of him. They arrange for him to have his hair cut and have him measured for a suit and they prove to be exemplary hosts. Billy, however, behaves impolitely in public and embarrasses Jan and Marie. The couple only just hide their intolerance with the vision of their American uncle's large property. After some time, however, farmer Rohn, their real uncle, appears unexpectedly. Thus Billy's carefree days are over. Jan and Marie throw him out but Billy then leaves for his next adventure without a care in the world.
tulák Billy
továrník Jan Hezký /Hans Schön/
továrníkova žena Marie /Erika Schön/
farmář Bedřich Rohn /Friedrich Rohn/
detektiv Čmuchal Všudybyl /Chapper/
Strýček z Ameriky
Strýček z Ameriky
Uncle from America
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 31 May 1930
premiere 4 May 1932 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Universum /1 týden/ a Metro /1 týden/, Brno)
feature film
69 min
1 960 meters
tinting, black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles