Vejvara and his bride spend a happy wedding night together and Kondelík with his wife Betynka also spend a night of love with each other. The next day their daughter and her husband come for lunch at the Kondelíks and the father-in-law gives Vejvara some advice about married life. After some time Kondelíková discovers she is expecting a child and she tells this news to her aunt Katynka. Pepička, too, soon announces similar glad tidings to her mother. They both are preparing to go out to a dance but they have an accident as they leave the house and cannot go to the party. When Pepička visits her parents again, Kondelík discovers that not only his daughter is pregnant but his wife is too. Mrs Muknšnáblová has finally succeeded in marrying her daughter Lotynka off to Mr Pajtlšmíd who, however, does not find happiness in this union. In fear of gossip Mrs Kondelíková takes herself off to a summer residence but Kondelík can hardly survive on his own. Mrs Kondelíková is also missing her husband so she moves into an empty flat in the house where her daughter lives. Mother and daughter give birth on the same day and Kondelík becomes a father and grandfather at the same time. Pepička gives birth to a little girl and Mrs Kondelíková has twins. (According to the film title sheet.)
Only part of the film has survived.
tchán Václav Kondelík
Kondelíkův zeť magistrátní koncipista František Vejvara
Kondelíkova žena Bety
Vejvarova žena Pepička, dcera Václava a Bety Kondelíkových
teta Katynka Urbanová, stará panna
služka u Vejvarů
Lotynka, dcera Muknšnáblové
výpomocný písař Pajtlšmíd, zeť Muknšnáblových
malířský tovaryš
host na křtinách
host na křtinách
Vejvarův otec
služka u Kondelíků
voják, milý služky u Vejvarů
Ignát Herrmann (Tchán Kondelík a zeť Vejvara – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Tchán Kondelík a zeť Vejvara
Tchán Kondelík a zeť Vejvara
Father-In-Law Kondelík and His Son-In-Law Vejvara
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 26 June 1929
premiere 15 November 1929 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Flora /1 týden/, Hvězda /1 týden/ a Skaut /2 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
126 min
3 600 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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