Eroticon (Erotikon, 1929), a silent “love drama in seven parts” made by Gustav Machatý in 1928–1929, was supposed to help its author achieve international renown. The scandalous film was anticipated so eagerly that it was sold to foreign distribution companies even before it was finished. Its “cosmopolitan” nature and ambitions were only strengthened by its international casting, led by Slovenian beauty queen Ita Rina. The original story in the form of a “film manuscript” titled Panenství (Virginity) was written by Vítězslav Nezval. He is, however, not listed in the credits as he was afraid of a conflict with his colleagues from the avant-garde association Devětsil who were opposed to collaborating with filmmakers. Eroticon tells a banal story about a romance between a naïve country girl who gets pregnant with a reckless farmer. Even though the “seduced and forsaken” woman later happily marries a noble, wealthy and staid gentleman out of gratefulness, she nearly succumbs to the treacherous lover again. It is not until the very end of the film that she realises that “fickle love cannot give a woman the happiness provided by the calm harbour of marriage”. In its form, Eroticon is a similarly ground-breaking work as the director’s most famous film Ecstasy (Extase, 1932) and, in terms of theme, could be considered its prequel. On one hand, Machatý didn’t dare include such “obscene” scenes as he did in Ecstasy, but with its aesthetic means of expression and “strong erotic inventiveness,” the film explored some taboo themes. Eroticon’s exclusiveness lies mainly in its modernist form. It takes a slushy romance story and transforms it into a film that’s exceptional to this day (although mainly thanks to its first twenty minutes; the rest conforms to the period mondaine salon dramas about infidelity). Compositionally resourceful shots, details of yearning faces, suggestive light contrasts and captivating usage of visual symbols (two raindrops merging into one on a window at the moment when the lovers engage in intercourse) and dynamic montage demonstrate the directorial and cinematographic mastery that made Eroticon a film of worldwide significance. The official premiere was held in Prague on 3 January 1930 (the first screening was held in Karlovy Vary on 27 February 1929). Its distributor, Slaviafilm, was speculatively sitting on the film for nearly a year. However, by the time of its premiere, the Czech capital had already been mesmerised by sound films. Despite the praise Eroticon received from critics, its reception was below expectations and not even providing the film with sound, which finally happened three years later, didn’t help attract attention. In 1993, the film was reconstructed and technically restored. The nitrate copy, which the National Film Archive bought after 1989 from collector Milan Wolf, is 400 metres longer than other available versions. The original music by Erno Košťál accompanying the sound version from 1933 was unfortunately lost. It was replaced by a score that Jan Klusák composed for the reconstruction. After the film was released on DVD by Filmexport Home Video (premiere 10 May 2007), the Association of Czech Film Clubs re-released it on 13 January 2011 as a part of its Project 100-2011 with a new musical rendition by FORMA + Café Industrial. The CD with the score was included in the package, but there was also an option to book a live performance. -tse-
One rainy night a railway station guard offers shelter to an elegant traveller who has missed his train. When the guard is called away the traveller, George, is left alone with his daughter Andrea. The young man of the world makes a big impression on Andrea and that same night the girl succumbs to him. In the morning George leaves. After some time Andrea discovers that she is expecting a baby. George continues to live his carefree life in the city and spends most of his time with the married, Mrs Gilda. When he receives a letter from Andrea saying that she is pregnant, he sends her some money. Andrea leaves for the city to give birth in secret. The child is still-born, however. Andrea later marries a man who has saved her from an attempted rape on a deserted road. She gives him her own blood for a necessary tranfusion after an injury which the assailant had caused. One day, while in the company of her husband, she meets George who tries to seduce her again. Soon the old longing awakens in her and she leaves her husband to go away with George. Gilda's husband comes to George's flat and picks a quarrel with George over his wife. During this scene Andrea bitterly realises that George has otherlovers. In the fit of jealousy Gilda's husband shoots George Andrea returns to her husband whose love she now values much more.
The première was held in Karlovy Vary. Its Prague première took place on the 3rd of January 1930. It was shown again in 1933 in its Czech and German sound versions with the music of Erno Košťál. Both versions were substantially cut. In the National Film Archive Prague is also preserved a copy of the German version (print 1 860,0 metres), a copy of the Czech version on the video.
During the years 1993 – 1995 the film was reconstructed by the National Film Archive Prague.
Voice by Emanuel Trojan /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Josef Bunzl /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
hlídač na dráze
Voice by Eva Svobodová /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Lux Rodenberg /ž/ /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
Andrea, hlídačova dcera
Voice by Miroslav Svoboda /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Petr Lotar /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
svůdce Georg Sydney
Voice by Robert Ford /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Walter Gussmann /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
továrník Hilbert
Voice by Margarita Slonková /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Gertrud Kanitz /ž/ /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
Gilda, Hilbertova žena
Voice by Pavel Demel /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Ewald Schindler /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
továrník Jean, Andrein pozdější manžel
Voice by Emanuel Trojan /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by Beda Saxl /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
Voice by Běla Tringlerová /ozvučení 1933/
Voice by W. Rösnerová /ozvučení 1933 německá mutace/
porodní bába
majitel krejčovského salonu
návštěvnice salonu krásy
majitel obchodu s klavíry
muž na poště
rváč v hospodě
Gustav Machatý, Vítězslav Nezval, Otto Rádl (dialogy ozvučení 1933), Emanuel Železný (dialogy ozvučení 1933), Erich Eisner (dialogy ozvučení 1933 německá mutace)
Julius von Borsody, Ladislav Machoň, Alexander Hackenschmied
Gustav Machatý, E. B. White (úprava a montáž ozvučení 1933)
Otto Németh (ozvučení 1933)
Ferdinand Kursa (vrchní osvětlovač), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Erno Košťál (ozvučení 1933), Jan Klusák (rekonstrukce 1994–1995)
Erich Eisner (ozvučení 1933 německá mutace)
Song Composer Erno Košťál /ozvučení 1933/
Writer of Lyrics Otto Rádl /ozvučení 1933/Emanuel Železný /ozvučení 1933/
Singer Jára Pospíšil /ozvučení 1933/
Song Composer Erno Košťál /ozvučení 1933/
Writer of Lyrics Otto Rádl /ozvučení 1933/Emanuel Železný /ozvučení 1933/
Singer Jára Pospíšil /ozvučení 1933/
Das Parfum einer Frau
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
start of filming 14 November 1928
date of censorship 8 February 1929
date of censorship 1 December 1933 (ozvučená česká a německá verze)
withdrawal from distribution 01/1940
date of censorship 01/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
withdrawal from distribution 31 August 1976
the end of the distribution monopoly 31 May 2011
preview 27 February 1929 (kino Passage, Praha)
gala premiere 12 July 1929 (kino Elite, Karlovy Vary)
premiere 3 January 1930 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Hvězda /2 týdny/, Radio /2 týdny/ a Skaut /2 týdny/, Praha)
renewed premiere 1 December 1933 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Praha /1 týden/, Praha /ozvučená česká verze/)
renewed premiere 1 September 1968 /inaccessible for youths/ (filmové kluby)
renewed premiere 13 January 2011 /suitable for all ages/ (kino Světozor, Praha)
The world famous, greatest film of the silent era of Czech cinematography. A banal plot line in virtuoso packaging. (2011)
Geem-Film, Otakar Machatý, Slaviafilm (ozvučení 1933)
Slaviafilm (původní 1929 a obnovená 1933 /pro Čechy/), Kinofilm Brno (obnovená 1933 /pro Moravu, Slezsko a Slovensko/), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1968), Asociace českých filmových klubů (obnovená 2011 /Projekt 100 – 2011/)
feature film
85 min
2 760 meters
1:1,33, 1:1,19
black & white
silent, sound
Czech, German
Czech, without dialogue, German
without subtitles
Czech, German
Event: Zlatá medaile časopisu Filmový kurýr
Praha / Czechoslovakia