Imperial and Royal Field Marshal





Production year



24 October 1930


105 min


Karel Lamač






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

C. a k. polní maršálek

Czech title

C. a k. polní maršálek

English title

Imperial and Royal Field Marshal


This musical comedy from 1930 – recognised as among the films in which Vlasta Burian, who started off in cabarets and the theatre, began fully exerting his comedic abilities – was inspired by Emil Arthur Longen’s theatrical farce. The story’s protagonist is a former Austro-Hungarian army captain, František Procházka, who pines for the military life even after his early retirement. Whilst visiting his nephew Rudi, stationed at a remote garrison, Procházka is mistaken for a dreaded field marshal who is due to come inspect the troops. He relishes playing the role – the mix-up has come following a series of unfortunate events, including Rudi’s wedding – and sings some bouncy ditties by Jára Beneš, including the title song. Director Karel Lamač, in line with the contemporary practice, formed a production company for the original film and German language version (featuring a German cast, apart from Burian in the leading role) called Ondra-Lamac-Film. A year later, he formed another company, Standard, for the French language version (with a French cast).


Captain in the Imperial and Royal Army František Procházka has been prematurely retired because his soldiers were caught singing a prohibited song about the field marshal. Procházka has however remained a soldier body and soul. He decides to visit his nephew Rudi who is serving in Galicia. The remote garrison is commanded by colonel Přecechtěl - or rather by his energetic wife who is anxious to marry off her only daughter Lili off to the worldly cavalry officer Géza von Medák. But Lili prefers the handsome Rudi. The garrison is notified that the field marshal will be making an inspection incognito. Uncle Procházka arrives in search of Rudi. He happens to find a field marshal's uniform in a wardrobe and tries it on out of curiosity. Everybody takes him for the field marshal, and captain Procházka takes to the role marvellously. After the welcoming ceremony he arranges a field exercise, dines with the colonel's wife and spends the remainder of the evening with the officers at the theatre. Cavalry officer Medák is revealed as a long-sought spy. The real field marshal arrives the next day. He takes such a liking to Procházka that he forgives him, promotes him to the rank of major and appoints him his deputy. Rudi then marries Lili.


Vlasta Burian

František Procházka, c. k. setník v. v./Napoleon Bonaparte ve snu

Jiří Hron

poručík Rudi Eberle, Procházkův synovec

Theodor Pištěk

velitel pluku plukovník Alois Přecechtěl

Helena Monczáková

baronka Hedvika z Riedesheimů, žena plukovníka Přecechtěla

Máňa Ženíšková

Lili, dcera plukovníka Přecechtěla

Čeněk Šlégl

rytmistr hrabě Géza von Medák

Jan W. Speerger

vojenský sluha Sepl

Jindřich Plachta

kronikář pluku nadporučík Andreas Hofer

Ivo Richard Stuchlý

rytmistr Viktor von Hřebík

Josef Hořánek

pravý c. k. polní maršálek Konrád z Hötzendorfů

Jaroslav Marvan

Matěj, sluha pravého polního maršálka

Milka Balek-Brodská

hospodyně u Procházky

Olga Augustová

kabaretní zpěvačka Pavla Garbo

Eman Fiala

kabaretní zpěvák Gustav Jannings

Josef Rovenský

starosta městečka

Eduard Šlégl

stoletý občan František Fleischhans/návštěvník hospody U kanonu

Josef Kytka


Robert Ford


Marie Pinusová

číšnice v hospodě U kanonu

Alois Charvát

návštěvník hospody U kanonu

Jindřich Edl

návštěvník hospody U kanonu

Filip Balek-Brodský

návštěvník hospody U kanonu

Antonín Šolc

lékárník, návštěvník hospody U kanonu/návštěvník kabaretu

Alfred Schlesinger

návštěvník hospody U kanonu/návštěvník kabaretu

Jan Hilbert Vávra

zpěvák v hospodě U kanonu

Emil Dlesk

člen Napoleonovy družiny ve snu/číšník v kabaretu

Karel Schleichert

člen Napoleonovy družiny ve snu

Alexander Třebovský

člen Napoleonovy družiny ve snu

Josef Kotalík

důstojník, pobočník generála Joachima Murata ve snu

Roza Schlesingerová

návštěvnice kabaretu

Eliška Jílková

návštěvnice kabaretu

Růžena Jindrová

návštěvnice kabaretu

Viktor Nejedlý

návštěvník kabaretu

Crew and creators


Karel Lamač

Assistant Director

Rudolf Stahl

Based on

Emil Artur Longen (C. k. polní maršálek – divadelní hra)

Director of Photography

Otto Heller, Václav Vích

Production Designer

Heinrich Richter

Film Editor

Karel Lamač

Sound Designer

Helmuth Neumann

Production Manager

Lavoslav Reichl


Jaroslav Krampera (vrchní osvětlovač), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Jára Beneš


C. a k. polní maršálek /Náš starý c. k. polní maršálek/ (pochod)

Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Emanuel Brožík
Singer Vlasta BurianOlga Augustovásbor

Hospodská /Číš poslední.../ (valčík)

Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Emanuel Brožík
Singer Jan Hilbert Vávra

Tys láska má

Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Emanuel Brožík
Singer Olga AugustováMáňa Ženíšková [dab]mužský sbor

Ve sklepě sedím hlubokém

Singer Vlasta Burian


Song Composer Rudolf Nováček

Production info

Original Title

C. a k. polní maršálek

Czech Title

C. a k. polní maršálek

English Title

Imperial and Royal Field Marshal




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

date of censorship 10/1930
date of censorship 05/1935 (konec povolení k promítání 1940)
withdrawal from distribution 03/1939
date of censorship 08/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)


gala premiere 23 October 1930 (kino Fénix, Praha)
premiere 24 October 1930 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Adria /9 týdnů/ a Fénix /13 týdnů/, Praha)



Copyright Holders

Národní filmový archiv



Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

105 min

Original length in metres

2 988 meters

Distribution carrier


Aspect ratio



black & white



Sound system/format

Tobis – Klang



Dialogue languages

Czech, German

Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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