Captain in the Imperial and Royal Army František Procházka has been prematurely retired because his soldiers were caught singing a prohibited song about the field marshal. Procházka has however remained a soldier body and soul. He decides to visit his nephew Rudi who is serving in Galicia. The remote garrison is commanded by colonel Přecechtěl - or rather by his energetic wife who is anxious to marry off her only daughter Lili off to the worldly cavalry officer Géza von Medák. But Lili prefers the handsome Rudi. The garrison is notified that the field marshal will be making an inspection incognito. Uncle Procházka arrives in search of Rudi. He happens to find a field marshal's uniform in a wardrobe and tries it on out of curiosity. Everybody takes him for the field marshal, and captain Procházka takes to the role marvellously. After the welcoming ceremony he arranges a field exercise, dines with the colonel's wife and spends the remainder of the evening with the officers at the theatre. Cavalry officer Medák is revealed as a long-sought spy. The real field marshal arrives the next day. He takes such a liking to Procházka that he forgives him, promotes him to the rank of major and appoints him his deputy. Rudi then marries Lili.
Alois Buscheck, c. k. rytmistr v. v./Napoleon Bonaparte ve snu
poručík Rudi Buscheck, rytmistrův synovec
velitel pluku plukovník Gewitsch
baronka Hedvika von Riedesheim, žena plukovníka Gewitsche
Gusti, dcera plukovníka Gewitsche
rytmistr hrabě Geza von Medak
vojenský sluha Sepp
plukovní adjutant nadporučík Andreas Hofer
rytmistr Viktor von Nagel
pravý c. k. polní maršálek Konrad von Hötzendorf
kabaretní zpěvačka Paula Garbo
kabaretní zpěvák Gustav Jannings
konferenciér v kabaretu
starosta městečka
číšnice v hospodě U kanonu
návštěvník hospody U kanonu/návštěvník kabaretu
návštěvník hospody U kanonu/návštěvník kabaretu
návštěvník hospody U kanonu
návštěvník hospody U kanonu
návštěvník hospody U kanonu
návštěvník hospody U kanonu
zpěvák v hospodě U kanonu
člen Napoleonovy družiny ve snu/číšník v kabaretu
člen Napoleonovy družiny ve snu
člen Napoleonovy družiny ve snu
návštěvnice kabaretu
návštěvníce kabaretu
návštěvníce kabaretu
návštěvník kabaretu
Emil Artur Longen (C. k. polní maršálek – divadelní hra)
Václav Wasserman, Richard Arvay, Alexander Roda-Roda (dialogy)
Jaroslav Krampera (vrchní osvětlovač), Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Vlasta BurianEmmy Carpentiersbor
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Ferry Löring
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Emmy Carpentier
Singer Vlasta Burian
Song Composer Rudolf Nováček
Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Hans Regina von Nack
Singer Wilhelm Bendow
C. a k. polní maršálek [německá verze]
C. a k. polní maršálek [německá verze]
Imperial and Royal Field Marshal [German version]
Der Falsche Feldmarschall / Der k. und k. Feldmarschall
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, Germany
date of censorship 11/1930
date of censorship 02/1936 (konec povolení k promítání 1941)
withdrawal from distribution 03/1939
date of censorship 08/1939 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 28 October 1930 /inaccessible for youths/
premiere abroad 9 December 1930 (Berlín, Německo)
feature film
83 min
2 349 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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