One day Gypsies arrive in the area and with them comes the beautiful Daniela, whom an old Gypsy woman once had brought to the camp – nobody knew where from. Daniela loves Ondřej, but a deeper love is awoken in her by a chance encounter with doctor Palm, who has taken to wandering in the woods since the violent death of his beloved. The doctor, too, is quite intrigued by Daniela. Ondřej steals a silver dress for Daniela from the doctor's house but is shot and wounded by a policeman. Daniela, distraught, brings Dr. Palm to Ondřej, but there is nothing he can do and the young lad dies. In Palm's villa Daniela sees that the silver dress once belonged to Palm's late wife. She decides to leave both the doctor and the camp, and departs with the old Gypsy woman. On the way they meet the policeman who recognises the silver dress, takes her for a thief, and leads her back to the doctor. The latter does not condemn Daniela. He has fallen in love with her and wants her to stay with him. She becomes his wife, but no-one ever finds out the secret of her origin. That, the old Gypsy woman takes to her grave.
The film was shot in 1929 as a silent film with a prologue in which Bronislav Livia and Zvonimir Rogoz acted (the prologue was not included in the sound version). The film came out in 1931 with subsequently spoken scenes and music. The sound version is introducted by a film foreword by F. X. Svoboda.
Romka Daniela
MUDr. Jiří Palm
vůdce Romů
Rom Franta
Rom Ondřej
Palmova hospodyně Marta
stoletá Romka
venkovský krejčí
chasník Krupička
host v hostinci
host v hostinci
host v hostinci
host v hostinci
host v hostinci
Palmova žena Olga na fotografii a ve vystřiženém prologu
neznámý muž, Olžin dávný nápadník ve vystřiženém prologu
on sám v prologu
F. X. Svoboda (Černý plamen – novela)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Vlastislav Antonín Vipler
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Červený
Singer Jarmila Lhotová
Singer Jarmila Lhotová
Singer Jarmila Lhotová
Singer Fanda Mrázek
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer mužský sbor
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics František Jaroslav Vacek-Kamenický
Singer mužský sbor
Singer mužský sbor
Černý plamen
Černý plamen
Black Flame
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 03/1931 (kulturně-výchovný)
premiere 15 May 1931 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Fénix /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
92 min
2 600 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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