A solitary lighthouse stands on the shore of a little island. It is home for three people – the lighthouse guard Uwe, his wife Hanne and their mute friend Jens. One day the lively Margot bursts into their serene but monotonous life at the lighthouse. She had taken a boat out for a bit of adventure and fun but it capsized and the waters cast her onto the island. Uwe soon succumbs to her seductive charms and thinks of leaving the lighthouse with her. He tells Hanne of his intentions and is deaf to her pleas; nor does he notice that the lighthouse beacon is not working. The conscientious Hanne tries to repair the light but she is unsuccessful, despite Jens's help. Jens, when he sees the futility of their attempts, tries to persuade Hanne at least to save her marriage. Their argument turns into a fight during which the shabby wooden railings crack and both hurtle down to the sea. Hanne manages to catch hold of a wooden beam but the fall kills Jens. Uwe hears her cries of terror echoing round the lighthouse. Only now is he aware of his responsibilities; and returns to the lighthouse, arriving just in time to save Hanne's life. The tragedy has now liberated the man from his fatalpassion and he is thankful his wife has given him a second chance
The film was only made in its German version.
Hanne Bullová, rozená Hinrichová
strážce majáku Uwe Bull, Hanin manžel
děvče z přístavu Margot
němý Jens, Uweho pomocník
námořník Pepito, Margotin milenec
návštěvník v baru
návštěvník v baru
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Willy Engel-Berger
Writer of Lyrics Benno Vigny
Singer Trude BerlinerAndré Pilotsbor
Song Composer Willy Engel-Berger
Writer of Lyrics Benno Vigny
Singer Trude BerlinerAndré Pilot
Song Composer Willy Engel-Berger
Writer of Lyrics Benno Vigny
Singer André Pilot
Lidé v bouři
Lidé v bouři
People in the Storm
Menschen im Sturm [německý distribuční název v Československu] / Ein Mädel von der Reeperbahn [německý distribuční název v Německu] / Geschlecht in Aufruhr [německý distribuční název v Rakousku]
The Girl from the Reeperbahn
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 11/1930
premiere abroad 16 December 1930 (Berlín, Německo)
premiere 13 February 1931 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Avion /2 týdny/ a Kapitol /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
94 min
2 678 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang