The comedy "Vendelín's Purgatory and Paradise" contains the amusing experiences of the Žemlička family from Prague who are all trying to find a good match for their daughter Amálka. Amálka is a pretty girl and it comes as no surprise that Vendelín Hrom grows fond of her, having met her and her whole family on a Sunday outing. On the way home they all get wet and so Vendelín is invited to the Žemlička's house to dry off; he is given dinner and asked to stay the night. The father and mother think up plans to ensnare the timid Vendelín so that they can marry off their daughter. They succeed after enlisting the help of Theofil Drmola, Vincenc Žemlička's "beer-drinking brother". After the wedding the young couple look forward to moving into their first flat and their new married life. However, the visit of a strange aunt thwarts their plans. Before they discover that the woman is looking for someone else, the rest of the Žemlička family arrive at the new flat. The formerly timid and retiring Vendelín now shows them no mercy and throws them all out.
úředník Vendelín Hrom
Amálka Žemličková
rada v. v. Vincenc Žemlička, Amálčin otec
Karolina Žemličková, Amálčina matka
Frantík Žemlička, Amálčin bratr
Theofil Drmola
Betty, Amálčina teta
domovnice Ježicová
svatební host
Eduard Kučera (Vendelínův očistec a ráj – román)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Vendelínův očistec a ráj
Vendelínův očistec a ráj
Vendelin's Purgatory and Paradise
Vendelínův ráj a očistec
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 09/1930
date of censorship 11/1936 (konec povolení k promítání 1941)
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
premiere 23 January 1931 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Na Slovanech /1 týden/, Praha)
feature film
89 min
2 525 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles