Matěj and his wife live on a farm in the Haná region. Their neice Věra comes to visit them for the summer holidays. After a minor motoring accident Věra meets engineer Peters who is engaged to the emancipated Olga. Věra's wealth entices him and he starts to court her. A rich widow with her pampered son come to live on the neighbouring farm for the summer and, after Peters' departure he starts hanging around her. While in Brno Matěj gets caught up in an argument with a man and woman in a coffee-house who turn out to be Peters and Olga. Peters, who has not yet met Matěj in person, behaves offensively to him. Later, Peters goes to see Věra, finds Douglas there and starts to mock him. Douglas tries to seek revenge but ends up being hit by Peters. The harvest ends and the harvest festival commences. Peters also arrives, he sees Matěj there who throws him out. On the way back, Peters takes Věra home but he meets Douglas in his car with the jealous Olga. After a short chase Peters has an accident and Douglas rescues Věra and is rewarded with a kiss. (According to promotional material issued at the time the film was made.)
The film materials are believed lost.
stréček Matěj Křópal z Břochovan
Věra, neteř stréčka Křópala
Douglas Odkolek
vdova, Douglasova matka
městský elegán Ing. Peters
dáma z města Olga, Petersova žena
panímáma Křópalová, žena stréčka Křópala
Jozéfek Melhobó, synovec stréčka Křópala
Vše pro lásku
Vše pro lásku
All for Love
featuretheatrical distribution
lost film
date of censorship 10/1930
date of censorship 03/1936 (konec povolení k promítání 1941)
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
gala premiere 23 October 1930 (kino Stadion, Brno)
premiere 25 October 1930 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Stadion /1 týden/ a Republika /1 týden/, Brno)
feature film
78 min
2 225 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles