Captain in the Imperial and Royal Army František Procházka has been prematurely retired because his soldiers were caught singing a prohibited song about the field marshal. Procházka has however remained a soldier body and soul. He decides to visit his nephew Rudi who is serving in Galicia. The remote garrison is commanded by colonel Přecechtěl - or rather by his energetic wife who is anxious to marry off her only daughter Lili off to the worldly cavalry officer Géza von Medák. But Lili prefers the handsome Rudi. The garrison is notified that the field marshal will be making an inspection incognito. Uncle Procházka arrives in search of Rudi. He happens to find a field marshal's uniform in a wardrobe and tries it on out of curiosity. Everybody takes him for the field marshal, and captain Procházka takes to the role marvellously. After the welcoming ceremony he arranges a field exercise, dines with the colonel's wife and spends the remainder of the evening with the officers at the theatre. Cavalry officer Medák is revealed as a long-sought spy. The real field marshal arrives the next day. He takes such a liking to Procházka that he forgives him, promotes him to the rank of major and appoints him his deputy. Rudi then marries Lili.
The combined copy made from the original negative 2 221,0 metres is preserved in Archives du film du C. N. C., Bois d'Arcy.
kapitán Tardivot
poručík Tardivot
manželka plukovníka
Emil Artur Longen (C. k. polní maršálek – divadelní hra)
C. a k. polní maršálek [francouzská verze]
C. a k. polní maršálek [francouzská verze]
Imperial and Royal Field Marshal [French version]
Monsieur le Maréchal
featuretheatrical distribution
Czechoslovakia, France
date of censorship (nepředloženo cenzuře)
premiere (neproběhla)
premiere abroad 30 October 1931 (Paříž, Francie)
feature film
78 min
2 221 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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