Karel Poláček´s humoristic novel enjoyed a great deal of popularity that arose from the moment it was published. The idea that this story of passionate football fans should be adapted for the silver screen was turned into a reality in 1931 under the direction of the experienced Svatopluk Innemann. Despite the fact that the successful silent movie director was only in the process of familiarising himself with the technical trickiness of the “talkie”, a timeless comedy was created. It truly grants Poláček’s heroes and his humour an eternal life on the silver screen. Hugo Haas is radiant in the role of Žižkov district shopkeeper Načeradec who prizes loyalty to “his” football club S. K. Slavie above both his family and his work duties. Tailor Habásek who, together with his adult son, follows S. K. Viktorie football club is embodied by Jindřich Plachta. A year later, Gustav Machatý created a comedy feature based on Poláček’s work entitled Načeradec, král kibiců (Načeradec, King of the Kibitzers), in which Haas re-emerges in the leading role.
Clothes-shop owner Richard Načeradec from Žižkov is a great fan of the Slavia football team and, despite resistance from his wife, he goes to watch them play every Sunday. The tailor Emanuel Habásko lives alone with his grown-up son Eman. The tailor is constantly pursued by widow Ouholičková but he bravely resists her attentions. The Habásko family will not recognise the existence of any other football club except Viktoria. One day Načeradec comes face to face with Eman during a Slavia-Viktoria football match. Their stormy debate has to be stopped by a policeman. He gives them both a disciplinary fine. Eman, who is unemployed, does not have the money to pay the fine. Načeradec pays it for him and offers him work in his shop. In his new position, Eman falls in love with Emilka Šefelínová from Nusle. Emilka's father, however, tries his best to put an end to this acquaintance. Despite this, Šefelín grows fond of Habásko senior for his jovial character and the story ends with Eman and Emilka's wedding in the church of St Ludmila.
For a free sequel see Načeradec, King of the Kibitzers (1932).
obchodník Richard Načeradec
Hedvika, Načeradcova žena
strýc Ignác Kauders, vyrovnávací správce
krejčí Emanuel Habásko
obchodní příručí Eman, syn krejčího Habáska
vdova Ouholičková
holič Alois Šefelín
Kateřina, Šefelínova žena
švadlena Emilka, dcera Šefelínových
fotbalový fanoušek Antonín Hátle
Šmalfusová, majitelka módního salonu
on sám, sportovní redaktor
fotbalový fanoušek Sádlo, odhadce v zastavárně
vrchní Patera
policejní komisař
fotbalový fanoušek/host v hostinci
fotbalový fanoušek/karbaník v kavárně/host v hostinci
fotbalový fanoušek
fotbalový fanoušek
fotbalový fanoušek
fotbalový fanoušek
fotbalový fanoušek
zpívající fotbalový fanoušek
zpívající fotbalový fanoušek
fotbalová fanynka
fotbalová fanynka
fotbalová fanynka
karbaník v kavárně
host v kavárně
host v hostinci
číšník Franc
muž s gramofonem v okně
muž na horské dráze
muž na horské dráze
příbuzný pana Načeradce
příbuzný pana Načeradce
příbuzný pana Načeradce
příbuzná pana Načeradce
příbuzná pana Načeradce
příbuzná pana Načeradce
zpěvák na svatební hostině
hudebník na svatební hostině
hudebník na svatební hostině
hudebníci na svatební hostině
brankář na archivních záběrech
Karel Poláček (Muži v offsidu – román)
Josef Neuberg, František Tichý, Vladimír Rýpar, Karel Poláček (dialogy)
Hanuš Gödert, Vladimír Vrána
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Svatební pochod)
Melody Boys (Music Conducted by R. A. Dvorský)
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Melody BoysR. A. DvorskýKarel VacekVáclav BláhaEmanuel TrojanAda DohnalV. A. Vlasáksbor
Song Composer Eman Fiala
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Bajo trio
Singer Jindřich Plachta
Muži v offsidu
Muži v offsidu
Men Offside
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship 25 July 1931
date of censorship 30 March 1932 (němá verze)
date of censorship 23 September 1946 (konec povolení k promítání 23. 9. 1951)
withdrawal from distribution 30 March 1951
projection approval 11/1968
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 11 September 1931 /inaccessible for youths/ (kina Kotva /6 týdnů/ a Lucerna /6 týdnů/, Praha)
renewed premiere 04/1932 /inaccessible for youths/ (němá verze)
renewed premiere 27 September 1946 /suitable for youths/
renewed premiere 7 March 1969 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
renewed premiere 13 March 1969 /suitable for youths/ (kino Metro, Praha)
Paramount (původní 1931 a obnovená 1932), Státní půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1946), Ústřední půjčovna filmů (obnovená 1969)
feature film
95 min
2 700 meters
black & white
silent, sound
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
Czech, without subtitles
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