The Chods who had guarded the Šumava border for as long as anyone could remember, were free people, answerable only to their king. After the Battle of Bílá hora, their land was sold to the imperial councillor Laminger who refused to recognise their rights. The Chods resist the statutory labour enforced upon them. The level-headed Jan Sladký, known as Kozina, urges his fellow-citizens to speak out for their rights at the Viennese court. Laminger's administrator uses violence to gain possession of the Chods' documents and he destroys them. The Viennese court rejects their cause. Kozina's mother, however, has hidden the two most important charters and a deputation led by Kozina sets out for Prague with them. The corrupt judge has the charters destroyed and since the Chods refuse to swear an oath of allegiance to the ruler, he has three of them, Kozina, Hrubý and Ecl, arrested. Back home, the Chods take part in a rebellion; some are shot and Kozina is sentenced to death. On the scaffold he challenges Laminger to face him on Judgement Day - exactly a year to the day. One year later Laminger is in the company of friends at a banquet but, during a ceremonial toast, he has a stroke and dies.
Jan Sladký Kozina z Oujezda
Hančí Sladká, Kozinova žena
Kozinův syn Pavlík
Kozinova matka
Wolf Maxmilian Lamingen z Albenreuthu zvaný Lomikar/říšský dvorní rada Wolf Vilém Lamingen z Albenreuthu, Lamingenův otec
Kateřina, Lamingerova žena
Lamingerova dcera Marie
Kryštof Hrubý, rychtář z Draženova
rychtář Adam Ecl, řečený Čtverák, z Klenčí
dudák Jiskra Řehůřek
Jiří Syka, rychtář z Oujezda
Matěj Přibek
Manka, Přibkova dcera
Přibkův otec
Němec z Medákova
Jakub Brychta z Postřekova
Psůtka z Postřekova
Jiří Peč z Chodova
rytmistr hrabě z Vrtby
správce Koš
Václav Vojtěch, hrabě ze Šternberka
hejtman plzeňského kraje Hora
plukovník hrabě Stampach
domažlický měšťan Matěj Just
Šerlovský z Pocínovic
mladý Šerlovský
Pajdár z Pocínovic
dvorský písař
Lamingerův pochop
písař ze zámku
hlasatel rozsudku
likvidátor u soudu
vězeňský kněz
soudní biřic
host u Lamingera
host u Lamingera
host u Lamingera
host u Lamingera
vězeňský duchovní
chlapec s kočkou
Alois Jirásek (Psohlavci – román)
JUC. C. J. Sladký (kroje)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Pěvecký sbor Ipos (Music Conducted by Bořivoj Fromm)
Singer ženský sbor
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Václav Wasserman
Singer Marie Grossová
Song Composer Erno Košťál
Writer of Lyrics Václav Wasserman
Singer Pěvecký sbor Ipos
Song Composer Erno Košťál
The Dog-Heads
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, historical
date of censorship 08/1931 (kulturně-výchovný)
date of censorship 5 May 1937 (kulturně-výchovný)
withdrawal from distribution 1 June 1940
date of censorship 06/1940 (neschváleno do distribuce)
date of censorship 11/1945 (neschváleno do distribuce)
premiere 18 September 1931 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Alfa /4 týdny/, Praha)
feature film
102 min
2 910 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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