Cabinet-maker Vincenc, who has an eight-year-old son from his first wife, has decided after many years to get married again. On the wedding day it comes to light, however, that he is an escaped convict, sentenced to life for a murder he allegedly committed. The crime is pardonable twenty years after the event according to the statute of limitations; and in Vincenc's case that time is only a few hours away. The cabinet-maker flees with his son to hide until his conviction expires. He shaves off his beard and dresses his son up as a girl but the police remain nevertheless hard on his trail. They enter an amusement park hoping to get lost in the crowd, but a shot is suddenly fired and panic breaks out. The owner of a theatre booth shelters them in her caravan. But the police track them down. The owner of the caravan turns out to be Vincenc's former lover, and it was she who committed the crime Vincenc was imprisoned for. The woman is moved to confess, and Vincenc and his son are able to return home.
The Marseilles exteriors were shot without sound (with Eugen Klöpfer, Jan Fehér and Magda Sonja).
truhlářský mistr Vincenz Olivier, dříve Léon Bernier
Boubou, Olivierův syn
Louisa, Olivierova nevěsta
bývalá Olivierova milenka alias žena bez spodní části těla v panoptiku
truhlářský tovaryš Anandée
majitel panoptika
policejní ředitel v Marseille
žena s plnovousem v panoptiku
policejní komisař v Marseille
starosta v Longville, otec Louisy
matka Louisy
dozorce ve věznici Bagno
Alfred Machard (Černý muž /Der Schwarze Mann/ – román)
Willy Ströminger (fotograf)
Song Composer Walter UlfigFriedrich Fehér
Singer Magda Sonja /ž/
Štvaní lidé [německá verze]
Štvaní lidé [německá verze]
Hunted People [German version]
Gehetzte Menschen / Steckbrief Z 48
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, psychological
Czechoslovakia, Germany
date of censorship 01/1933
premiere abroad 6 December 1932 (Berlín, Německo)
premiere 01/1933 /inaccessible for youths/
feature film
92 min
2 576 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles